Tuesday, December 31, 2013

31 December 2013


Madelyn has now taken to asking if we're going to write down everything she says. During breakfast today following something that someone said:

"That's silly enough. I'm going to write that down."

Followed by pretend two-handed texting under the table.


Tony and Madelyn went to pick something up at the rectory at church. While there, Madelyn pointed to a picture of Pope Francis and said:

"Daddy, it's God!"


Madelyn knows we're going somewhere tomorrow, but doesn't know where. She has been trying to get us to go to Sweet Frog all week.

Madelyn: What place are we going to go to tomorrow?
Me: Think of a place we haven't been to in a while.
Madelyn: Sweet Frog!

(We're going to the National Aquarium.)

Monday, December 30, 2013

30 December 2013

Tonight, we had breakfast for dinner, which included pancakes, sausage, and fruit salad. Madelyn is picky about sausage because it's "too spicy". However, we seem to have found one she likes:

Madelyn: Can I have more sausage?
Me: Nope. There isn't anymore.

Madelyn makes a dramatic sad face.

Me: We can buy more, though.
Tony: Yeah, since we know you like this sausage.

Madelyn instantly makes a dramatic, super excited face.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

29 December 2013


Tony and I were talking about the possibility of him having to give Alyson a bottle before her morning nap tomorrow depending on when I need to take my car into the repair shop.

Madelyn: Because, Daddy, you don't have that big of a bra.
Tony: I don't have any bra.


Immediately following the first Madelynism for today after Tony and I started laughing:

"Are you going to write that down?"

(She has picked up on the fact that we write down the silly things she says.)


Madelyn's astute observation during the Maryland Women's Basketball game today:

"Alyssa Thomas is really good."

Saturday, December 28, 2013

28 December 2013

Explaining part of the Strawberry Shortcake Berry Best Friends game on the iPad:

"It's kind of like Candy Crush, but instead it's Fruit Blender Crush."

27 December 2013


Nana and Madelyn were playing a card game:

Madelyn: I'm the winner!
Nana: Actually, we both ran out of cards.
Madelyn: But, I'm really good at games!
Nana: How about we both win?
Madelyn: Oh, okay.


One of the gazillions of questions/comments after the deer ran into our car:

"They could put a sign on the road that says no deer allowed."

(If only deer could read.)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

26 December 2013

Pretty much every 15-20 minutes on the 3 hour car ride to Nana and Poppop's this morning:

"Are we almost to Nana and Poppop's yet?"

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

25 December 2013


After she woke up and went potty, she came into our room to Tony's side and said:

"Daddy! Wake up! I'm ready to go downstairs to open presents!"


With every present she opened:

"I love it! It's just what I wanted!"

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

24 December 2013


The Gospel at the Children's Mass on Christmas Eve is always a pageant of Jesus's birth. They were at the part where the shepherds hear the news and are heading off to see Baby Jesus:

Madelyn, louder than a whisper but not really loud: You're going the wrong way!

A few seconds later, the shepherds turn around and go the other way.

Guy in front of us to Madelyn: Looks like you were right.


Before going to bed, Madelyn told her daddy:

"We need a sign downstairs to make sure Santa doesn't come upstairs because I don't want him to come into my room and yell 'Ho! Ho! Ho!' and wake everybody up."

Monday, December 23, 2013

23 December 2013

While the girls were in the bath tonight, I had to keep telling Alyson to sit, and I kept thinking that it sounded like I was commanding a dog. After one of the many times I had to tell her, Madelyn follows with:

"Sit, doggie!"

(Luckily, Alyson will actually listen at the time, but then repeats the behavior in less than a minute.)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

22 December 2013


(As reported to Becca by Pam & Jon) Madelynism of the day:

Madelyn: there's a broom! Witches ride on those
Jon: can you ride a broom?
Madelyn: no not yet.. Maybe when I'm older though!


When asked what Pam's name is:

Madelyn: Churkey!

Pam: Chuckie?

(A little background: Madelyn was being asked earlier what people's names are. When she was asked about Pam, she said "Ham." That evolved to chicken and turkey somehow so then she started calling Pam "Turkey", but she pronounces it "Churkey".)


While talking very matter-of-factly about the magical qualities of Santa's outfit:

"One very important magic thing about his gloves. If any toys fall into water, his magic gloves make them all better."


Discussing how to decorate our gingerbread house:

Tony: We can even put a small side door if we wanted to.

Madelyn: For mice! Because mice are small.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

21 December 2013

While cleaning up the playroom after her friends left:

"Next time, I'm going to tell Caroline and Ellie not to make such a mess."

(Like she had nothing to do with the mess....)

Friday, December 20, 2013

20 December 2013

(Submitted by my mom aka Grandma)

GG (Madelyn's great-grandma, my grandma) was coming out to the living room today without her walker or cane. Madelyn came to Grandma while she was in the kitchen and said very firmly with both hands on her hips:

"Grandma, GG came out without her walker again! I will go back and get it for her!"

She then proceeded to go back and push the walker out to the living room (about 3 times total today).

Thursday, December 19, 2013

19 December 2013


While getting ready to leave this morning, I was telling her what she was doing in school today.

Madelyn: Why are we celebrating Jesus's birthday?
Me: Because Jesus was born on Christmas.
Madelyn: Is Jesus going to be at my school?
Me: No, Jesus was alive a long time ago.
Madelyn: Then how are we going to celebrate his birthday?
Me: You can celebrate for someone even if they aren't there.
Madelyn: I have a great idea! We can have a surprise party for Jesus!


On the way back to Mom's after picking Madelyn up from preschool:

Madelyn: Mommy, I know what I want to be when I grow up!
Me: What?
Madelyn: Santa Claus!
Me: If that's what you want to be....
Madelyn: Wait, I need to be Mrs. Claus because I'm a girl.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

18 December 2013

When I went in to say good night to Madelyn:

Madelyn: I only got a short story tonight.
Me: Were you listening to Daddy?
Madelyn: A little bit.... I'll listen tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

17 December 2013

While eating dinner:

Tony: Madelyn, what did you do in school today?
Madelyn: I drew a picture of Grandma and Grandpa. I couldn't draw G.G. because I didn't know how to draw her big curls.

Monday, December 16, 2013

16 December 2013

While eating dinner, I noticed a pretty dark bruise on Madelyn's arm.

Me: Where did you get that bruise?
Madelyn after finally finding the bruise: I don't know. Maybe I got it from Santa's beard.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

15 December 2013


While on our way home from The Nutcracker:

Madelyn: How many days now until Christmas?
Me: Ten.
Madelyn: Ten! That's too many!
Me: It's too many?
Madelyn: Yeah! I'm gonna get really, really hungry!


Singing to herself:

"Lighty ho ho ho, lighty ho ho ho. I'm on FIRE!"

(She was "singing" the chorus of "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)" by Fall Out Boy. They play this when the team comes out at Maryland Women's Basketball games.)

Saturday, December 14, 2013

14 December 2013


Singing "Jingle Bell Rock" on the way to the Maryland Women's Basketball game, and on the way home for that matter:

"Giddy up jingle horse. Pick up your feet. Jingle around the clock. Mix up your MANGOOOO!!!!!"

(Actual lyrics: "Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet. Jingle around the clock. Mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet.")


Talk to her grandma at the basketball game about what she asked Santa to bring her today:

Madelyn: I asked for a stuffed Rudolph!
Grandma: Did you ask for anything else?
Madelyn: Nooo.....
Grandma: So you're only getting one present?
Madelyn: I'm getting 10 presents!
Grandma: Exactly 10 presents? What happens if you get more?
Me: Do you only get to keep the first 10 presents that you open?
Madelyn: Uh huh!

Friday, December 13, 2013

13 December 2013

During dinner, which was pancakes:

"We could have breakfast for dinner. That's a fancy word for pancakes."

Thursday, December 12, 2013

12 December 2013

While waiting in the exam room for the doctor at Madelyn's check-up today, she laid down on the exam table (a firetruck if you care) and declared:

"I'm going to be baby Jesus. Mommy, you be Mary. And, Daddy, you be Joseph."

(Sounds like she's learning a lot at preschool.)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

11 December 2013

At Mom's, Madelyn was pretending to be a dog. She went up to Mom and tried to lick her on the arm:

Mom: Ew! No!
Madelyn: I just want to kiss you like a puppy.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

10 December 2013

Madelyn and Tony were out playing in the snow this afternoon. They were having a "snowball fight". Madelyn would pick up a handful of snow, walk to within a foot of Tony, and say:

"Daddy, put your hands down! I want to throw this snowball at you, and I don't want you to catch it!"

Monday, December 9, 2013

09 December 2013

(Surprisingly, today's Madelynism has nothing to do with her birthday.)

While going potty after she woke up this morning:

"Mommy! I have the best idea! We should take some toilet paper over to Grandma's so that they can have really soft toilet paper too!"

Sunday, December 8, 2013

08 December 2013

While talking about my deaf coworker whom Madelyn has met:

Me: How does Ms. Robin communicate?
Madelyn: She chirps!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

07 December 2013

After we got home from Madelyn's birthday party, she opened her presents. With every single one, usually before she really had it open enough to figure out what it was, she would exclaim:

"I love it! It's just what I wanted!"

Friday, December 6, 2013

06 December 2013

Tonight we had Mom's birthday dinner since her birthday is tomorrow. We also had cake for both Mom and Madelyn and they opened some presents. While Mom was opening her presents:

Mom opens the card from us, reads it, briefly says "thank you" and starts to open the gift.

Madelyn impatiently whispering: Grandma! Grandma! You need to thank Melissa and Tony!
Mom: I did, but thank you.

Mom opens gift, thanks us, we talk about it for a few minutes, and then she moves on to the card from my dad. She reads it and thanks him.

Madelyn: Grandma! Aren't you going to thank Stan?!
Mom: Thank you, honey.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

05 December 2013

After I told Alyson "no" about something at dinner, Madelyn said to her:

"What part of 'no' do you not know?"

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

04 December 2013

Early in the Maryland Women's basketball game tonight while music was playing:

"I want to dance!"

She later went on to win the Dance for Your Dinner contest when they actually were doing it.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

03 December 2013


Madelyn: Why does Santa have a big belly?
Tony: Because of all the cookies he eats.

Monday, December 2, 2013

02 December 2013

Before we started putting ornaments on the tree, I reminded Madelyn of the rule that once an ornament is on the tree, it stays there and isn't moved. While hanging the ornaments, I went to take one off to reposition it:

"Mommy! You can't take them off!"


Sunday, December 1, 2013

01 December 2013

Explaining to Alyson what a cherry is after asking her if she likes them:

"They're a fruit on a string."