Saturday, May 31, 2014

31 May 2014

Madelyn was trying to get out of cleaning up the playroom that was such a disaster it wasn't safe for Alyson to try to go in there. She had actually already cleaned a lot of it since yesterday evening. Alyson was sitting on my lap on the couch.

Madelyn: Mommy, can you help me clean?
Me, teasing and trying to get her to ask Tony: No, Alyson won't let me.
Madelyn: Alyson, will you get off Mommy so she can come help me clean up?

Friday, May 30, 2014

30 May 2014

After dinner, we went for a walk. What we didn't tell Madelyn was that we were walking to Sweet Frog. She was very confused about where we were going and was trying to figure it out the entire time. Sweet Frog is in the same shopping center as Starbucks, so that's how she knows the shopping center. To get there from our neighborhood, you have to cross a bridge over train tracks. As we approached the bridge:

"Why are we crossing the Starbucks bridge?"

Thursday, May 29, 2014

29 May 2014

While playing in the bath (to the tune of every kid's favorite song right now, "Let It Go"):

"Fishy go! Fishy go! Fishy go 'til the break of dawn!"

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

28 May 2014


After watching Beauty and the Beast and were were talking about there not being any "funny parts" after the credits:

Madelyn: Belle is a really old movie.
Me: Yeah, it's from when I was little.
Madelyn, in shock: What?!?!?!?!?!


Singing parts of "Be Our Guest" after dinner:

"Try the grey stuff, it's delicious. Don't believe me, I'm delish... wait..."

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

27 May 2014

I was in the bathroom looking at my eye because it felt like something was in it. Madelyn came in to see what I was doing.

Madelyn: Why are you looking at your eye?
Me: It feels like there's something in it.
Madelyn: I think it's just a pupil. It helps you see.

Monday, May 26, 2014

26 May 2014

When Madelyn came in from playing in the pool when her friend went home for dinner:

Me: Why don't you go up and change back to the clothes you had on earlier?
Madelyn: But, Mommy, I can't because there's one problem.
Me: And what's that?
Madelyn: My shirt is inside out.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

25 May 2014

After dinner, Madelyn wanted to play with the Play Doh that she really wanted to play with before dinner, but I told her not until after dinner. She went into the playroom to get it.

Madelyn, coming out of the playroom slightly panicked: Where's the Play Doh? I can't find it!
Me: You had it last. What did you do with it?
Madelyn: I put it in the playroom, but it's not there!
Me: Are you sure? Go look again.

She walked back to the playroom and came back carrying the bucket of Play Doh.

Me: Where was it?
Madelyn: In the playroom like it was supposed to be.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

24 May 2014

While trying to decide what to have for dinner:

"I want hot dogs! No, wait, I want to save those for Memy-o-ral Day."

Friday, May 23, 2014

23 May 2014

Talking about items on the kids menu at Buffalo Wild Wings without Madelyn knowing which restaurant we were talking about:

Tony: They have plucked fowl in spicy sauce.
Madelyn with a revolted look on her face: Ew!
Tony: And encased mixed meat.
Madelyn, even more disgusted: Yuck!
Tony: And curved pasta with a hole in it...
Me: In a sauce of curdled milk.
Madelyn, sticking her tongue out: I will not eat that!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

22 May 2014


Madelyn kicked her sheets off overnight. Her explanation this morning:

"I didn't care if I was cold because I was sleeping in my sleep."


Tony was teasing her about leaving her in the car overnight:

"But I don't want to be left in the car overnight because then I won't have covers or a pillow or Elmo!"

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

21 May 2014

While putting Vicks on her feet before bed:

Madelyn: What does Vicks smell like?
Me: Eucalyptus.
Madelyn: Lukas?

(Lukas is a boy in her class. And Eucalyptus is close enough for a 4-year-old for what Vicks smells like. I know it has menthol in it.)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

20 May 2014

Madelyn has a cold (again) and has been in a "wonderful" mood. Actually, she hasn't been too bad, just a little whiny.

"When I blow my nose, the boogers keep coming back! Why do they keep coming back?"

Monday, May 19, 2014

19 May 2014

While eating homemade pizza for dinner:

"Did you know there's a lot of stuff in the peer mint? It's the same shape as the pizza, but not the whole pizza, just a slice."

Note: "peer mint" = pyramid

Sunday, May 18, 2014

18 May 2014

As we were leaving the park this morning, Madelyn was commenting on the soccer practices going on:

Madelyn: When can I play soccer?
Me: We can sign you up sometime if you want to play.
Madelyn: I'll have to get a soccer uniform!
Me: At this age, your uniform is a t-shirt and pants or shorts depending on the weather.
Tony: And maybe if you play in teams you'll get a special vest-kind-of-jersey to tell which team you're on.
Madelyn: I hope I get purple!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

17 May 2014

With every pair of shorts she tried on at Target today, she exclaimed:

"Daddy's going to love these!"

Friday, May 16, 2014

16 May 2014

Oh, the observations that come out of a 4-year-old's mouth:

"Animals poop on the ground, not in the potty." 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

15 May 2014

Madelyn and I were outside getting ready to do some stuff in the garden. She found a patch of dry, sandy ground in an area the yard.

"Sand! I didn't know there was sand here! I thought sand was only in sand boxes and at the beach."

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

14 May 2014

Madelyn and I had been talking about her having some yogurt in her lunch tomorrow, but that Tony needed to buy some. The second he walked in the door when he got home from work:

Madelyn: Daddy, you need to by some school yogurt!
Tony: Huh? What? I need to buy the school yogurt?
Madelyn: No! You need to buy me yogurt for school!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

13 May 2014

While putting on her slippers before going to brush her teeth:

"A glass slipper! That means I'm going to get married!"

She put on her second slipper.

"I have glass slippers! I'm going to get married for the first time ever! Don't worry, Mommy, I'm not really getting married, but I'm going to dance with the prince who is Diego."

(Diego is a boy in her preschool class.)

Monday, May 12, 2014

12 May 2014

While eating some gummy bunnies from her Easter candy:

"This one is flavored green bean. I'm not really sure. Maybe lime. Yup, it's lime."

Sunday, May 11, 2014

11 May 2014

On the way to dinner:

Madelyn: This summer Grandma and Grandpa are going to take me to that place with colorful climbing things.
Tony: What place with colorful climbing things?
Madelyn: That place you took me to before. We climbed and then slid down.
Me: Was it a playground?
Madelyn: It's not a playground, it's an inside ground.

10 May 2014

While in the car, Tony and I were talking about my dad coming over to till the garden. From the back seat:

"Why is he coming to kill the garden?"

Friday, May 9, 2014

09 May 2014

Tony and I were talking about the Ragnar Relay:

Me: I wouldn't want to do van 2 again, and I really can't do van 1 because I can't do two nights.
Madelyn: Do knights talk?
Me: Knights are people, so yeah.
Tony: They say "ni".

Thursday, May 8, 2014

08 May 2014

Background: We generally hide birthday and holiday presents in the office.

When we got home today, Madelyn started getting stuff out of her preschool bag.

Madelyn: Before we go outside, I want to show you what's in my preschool bag!

She took something out of the bag and disappeared into the dining room. She walked through the kitchen and into the hall. Very secretively, she opened the office door and went inside. She came back out and came back into the living room.

Madelyn: I had to put something in the office that you can't have until Sunday.

She then went to her bag and got out the rest of the stuff for me.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

07 May 2014

Madelyn decided to try to squeeze in between the trash can and kitchen cabinet to sit down like Alyson often does. Since she had just "helped" Alyson out from the same spot, Madelyn tried getting Alyson to help her get up. Alyson just proceeded to push Madelyn farther into the tight corner.

"No, Alyson! Don't make me even more stucker!"

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

06 May 2014

Madelyn has become very interested lately in what words mean, especially parts of longer words.

Madelyn: What does "hos" mean?
Me, instantly thinking of Hass avocados: "Hass" like what?
Tony: How did you hear it used?
Madelyn: "Hos" like "hospital".
Tony: "Hos" doesn't really mean anything. It's just part of the word.
Madelyn: Then what does "pital" mean?
Me: That doesn't mean anything either. The parts of some words like "cowgirl" mean things, but that isn't true for every word.
Madelyn: Oh.

Monday, May 5, 2014

05 May 2014

Madelyn was looking at some Wii games in the TV stand and was asking about the one with Mickey Mouse on it (Epic Mickey).

Madelyn: When did Daddy last play the Mickey game?
Me: I don't think he's played it since you were born.
Madelyn: I wonder if he's played it since Grandma was born or since Alyson was born.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

04 May 2014


While showing off her medal after her race this morning:

"I'm going to run a hundred races and get a hundred medals and give one to all of my friends!"


While coloring a picture, she was asking me how many moons different planets have. I kept looking it up on Wikipedia. She noticed there were pictures and wanted to see Earth.

"I have no idea what Earth looks like because I never went to space."

Saturday, May 3, 2014

03 May 2014

Before I started fixing dinner:

Madelyn: What are we having for dinner?
Me: Ranch chicken tenders...
Madelyn: But I don't like that!
Me: You've never had it, and you're going to try some.
Madelyn: But I won't like what's on it.
Me: It's just ranch dressing mix and some olive oil.
Madelyn: Is it seeds or sauce?

(She doesn't like sauces on things except for barbeque sometimes, teriyaki, cheese, and marinara. We had some chicken drumsticks recently that had some sesame seeds on them, and she freaked out about that and refused to eat it, even though she liked it without the seeds.)

Friday, May 2, 2014

02 May 2014

Conversation while eating dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's:

Madelyn: Milk is good for your body.
Grandma: Yup, it has calcium to help build strong bones.
Madelyn: Bones to lift up strong muscles to lift heavy things like picnic baskets.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

01 May 2014

As reported by Madelyn's teacher. ;-)

There are identical twin boys in Madelyn's class, A and R (names abbreviated). R has a little crush on Madelyn and has been reading Frozen books with her and playing games with her. This morning, Madelyn got the Frozen book to read.

Madelyn to one of her teachers: Which one is A?
Teacher, pointing to the one sitting on the floor playing by himself: That one.
Madelyn to the boy: A, do you want to read Frozen?
A tried to ignore her.
Madelyn again: Do you want to look at the book?
A shook his head and did not looking at her: No, no, no, no.
Meanwhile, R was bouncing around trying to be noticed by Madelyn.
Teacher: Why don't you ask R if he wants to look at the book?
Madelyn: R, do you want to look at the book?

They sat down to look at the book. R was happy, and Madelyn was oblivious, but might have realized her mistake.