Tuesday, September 30, 2014

30 September 2014

Today after we got home some people came over. Madelyn had some stickers that she wanted to share with them. She put one on her shirt and gave one to Alyson. After that, she went around to everyone and asked, "Do you want a sticker for your shirt?" She was confused and didn't understand why all of them said no.

Monday, September 29, 2014

29 September 2014

We had asparagus with dinner tonight. In the course of the meal, Madelyn went from outright declaring that she does not like "expairagus", to reluctantly trying it, to liking it, and finally back to deciding that she doesn't like it. Typical.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

28 September 2014

On the way home from swimming class, I was asking Madelyn about what she wanted for lunch. She opted for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Me: What type of jelly do you want?
Madelyn: Strawberry jelly. I love strawberry jelly. I"m going to have strawberry jelly on every sandwich except grilled cheese and ham and cheese because strawberry jelly does not taste good on those.
Tony: How do you know? Have you tried it?
Madelyn: No. It just doesn't sound like it would be good!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

27 September 2014

From the list of conversations that you wish weren't happening:

Madelyn: Why aren't there just girls?
Me, making sure I heard her question correctly: Why aren't there only girls?
Madelyn: Yeah. Why are there girls and boys?
Me: Well, because there's an equal chance of a baby being a boy or a girl.
Madelyn: But why?
Me: Because there has to be a boy and a girl for there to be babies. Plus, wouldn't it be boring if everyone was a girl?
Madelyn, accepting that answer: Yeah, it would be boring.

Friday, September 26, 2014

26 September 2014

While I was fixing dinner, Madelyn was standing at the kitchen counter playing with some plastic beakers and pipets that she got from my work way back on Take Your Child to Work Day.

Madelyn: I'm making a potion that turns every bad guy into smoke.
Me: Into smoke? What about a potion that turns bad guys into good guys?
Madelyn: Yeah.... That's what I meant....

Thursday, September 25, 2014

25 September 2014

For her class, Madelyn has a weekly assignment to complete pages of her Alphabet Journal. To complete it, they need to find pictures or draw or otherwise fill it with things beginning with the letter for the page. We were working on it when we got home today. This week's letter is "M".

Me, as we were looking through some ads from the newspaper for things to use: Do you see anything that begins with "M"?
Madelyn, looking around: No....
Me, pointing to some meat: What's this?
Madelyn: Steak.
Me: And what is steak?
Madelyn: Meat... MEAT STARTS WITH "M"!!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

24 September 2014

Madelyn brought home a painting from school. Her explanation was something like this:

"That circle is on the diving board and jumping off. And the blue rectangle is the pool. This part is missing (pointing to the top right of the rectangle) because the water splashed out and is up here (pointing to the blue streak at the top)."

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

23 September 2014

Madelyn has yet another cold. We put Vicks on her feet last night to help. As she was getting ready for bed tonight, she asked me:

"Are you going to put wax on my feet again tonight?"

Monday, September 22, 2014

22 September 2014

When we got home today, I had the girls to try on their winter coats and some other jackets to clean out the closet a bit and figure out what I need to get them. Madelyn was snapping up her rain coat after a lot of complaints, asking for help, and saying she couldn't do it. After she got two snaps or so:

"I can't believe I'm a natural at snaps!"

Sunday, September 21, 2014

21 September 2014

We were at the table discussing something about a length of time (unfortunately, I don't remember what). Madelyn put her hands up like you would to show how big something is, and asked:

"Is it going to take this long?"

Sorry, Sweetie, but time isn't measured like that.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

20 September 2014

After Madelyn woke up from her nap this afternoon (Gasp! She actually took about an hour and a half nap!), she came outside to where I was cutting some Styrofoam for a project.

Madelyn: What is all of this on the patio?
Me: You slept so long that it became winter and snowed.
Madelyn, dead serious: You have got to be kidding!

She then played with the Styrofoam "snow" and declared that she wished it was really winter so that she could play in real snow.

Friday, September 19, 2014

19 September 2014

While listening to Disney songs in the car, a song from "Toy Story" came on:

Madelyn: Is "Toy Story" a Disney movie?
Tony and me together: Yes.
Madelyn: What's so Disney about it?

Thursday, September 18, 2014

18 September 2014

As we were getting into the car after Alyson and I got Madelyn from preschool, Madelyn was commenting on how hot it actually got this afternoon:

"It's almost as hot as a grill with ten thousand hot dogs on it!"

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

17 September 2014

Toward the end of dinner:

Me: You're going to go up and take baths when you're done with dinner.
Madelyn: Why? We take baths on Sundays.

(And at least once during the week....)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

16 September 2014

We went for a family walk today after dinner. Tony was messing with Madelyn and would run past her. Every time she would yell:

"Daddy, this is not a race! This is a parade, and I'm supposed to be the leader!"

Monday, September 15, 2014

15 September 2014

(This one isn't particularly funny, it's just typical of Madelyn's way of thinking.)

Due to a family emergency, Madelyn has had a substitute teacher since Thursday. The teacher so far has actually been her teacher from last year. There is another teacher who may also fill in this week while Madelyn's teacher is out.

Me: Did you have Mrs. K again today?
Madelyn: Yup!
Me: Do you know who you have for a teacher tomorrow?
Madelyn: Mrs. K.
Me: Did she tell you that?
Madelyn: No, but that's who we've been having.

(So, obviously, Mommy.)

Sunday, September 14, 2014

14 September 2014

While playing with her milk cup at dinner:

"Look! My milk got stuck to my lip. It makes a good decoration. Just kidding!"

Saturday, September 13, 2014

13 September 2014

Multiple times today, Madelyn came up to me while Tony was right there and loudly whispered something along the lines of:

"Don't let Daddy see the sign I made for him. I want to surprise him."

Friday, September 12, 2014

12 September 2014

While trying to figure out dinner:

Tony: Do you want ravioli?
Madelyn: No, I want pasta.
Me: Do you want spaghetti?
Madelyn: No, I want pasta.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

11 September 2014

Tonight we met Nana and Aunt Bev for dinner. Madelyn was looking at some photos on Nana's phone. She came across a photo of Uncle Jimmy's stomach.

Madelyn: That looks like Daddy's tummy.
Nana: That's Uncle Jimmy.
Tony: Why does my tummy look like Uncle Jimmy's?
Madelyn: Because it's hairy like Daddy's tummy.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

10 September 2014

I picked Madelyn up from school today, which involves a 10-minute wait in the car while the rest of the school is dismissed. Across the Metro and train tracks is a "doggie daycare" that got Madelyn talking about pets.

"If I get a pet, I'm going to name in 'Familidy' because that's a name I made up."

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

09 September 2014

Madelyn telling me about her day at school on the ride home from Grandma's:

"We made a movie, but it's a play not a movie. And it's called Fire Chief Madelyn. I get to be the fire chief. And at the end of all the words [the credits], there's a silly part. Fire Chief Madelyn and Madison fight a cardboard fire with cardboard water from a cardboard fire hose. And our teachers are the audience. No, wait, our old friends from last year are our audience."

And this went on and on until we got home.

Monday, September 8, 2014

08 September 2014

After watching the Ducktales opening theme remade with real ducks and then the real opening theme, Tony and I were in the kitchen and heard Madelyn singing in the living room:

"Ducktales! Whoo-ooo!"

Sunday, September 7, 2014

07 September 2014

We met friends at a park today to play and have a picnic dinner. When we were getting ready to eat, everyone except for Tony and Alyson were at the picnic table. As I was walking toward them to tell them we were going to eat, I hear Madelyn at the table behind me:

"Where's Daddy? Tony!!!!! Tony!!!!!!!"

Saturday, September 6, 2014

06 September 2014


Madelyn and Alyson were sharing animal crackers in the car on the way to the grocery store. Madelyn was telling us how many she had:

"Alyson gave me three! The last one was in her mouth, but she gave it to me. It's okay since we're both sick. We share our germs."


On the way to the car to go to dinner, we were talking about how hot it was outside and Tony running tonight. Madelyn's take on it:

"I don't think this will ruin my entire life."

Friday, September 5, 2014

05 September 2014

During dinner, Tony and I were talking. Madelyn raised her hand to ask something.

Me: Yes, Madelyn?
Madelyn put up her finger as if to say "wait a second" and quickly chewed what was in her mouth.
Me: Why did you raise your hand if you weren't ready to talk?
Madelyn just shrugged her shoulders and kept chewing.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

04 September 2014

Before class today, Madelyn saw an elderly gentleman at school who helps out with the big kids' lunches. She knows him from last year. They said hi and he gave her and another one of the kids hugs.

Madelyn, running over to me: Mommy! That's Mr. Fred!
Me: I know that's Mr. Fred. Did you know that Mr. Fred only lives a block away from us?
Madelyn: Really?
Me: Yeah, and when I was little, I used to play with his granddaughter.
Madelyn: Really?!
Me: Yup. Can you guess what her name is?
Madelyn: No....
Me: It's Melissa.
Madelyn, looking at me in disbelief: But that's you!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

03 September 2014

During the Open House for Preschool today, Madelyn's teacher used the bell they use for getting the kids' attention to get the parents' attention so that she could let us know a few details. Madelyn seems to still be well conditioned from last year. She finished up what she was doing and sat on the rug for circle time. The teaching assistant had to go up and tell her that she didn't need to sit down and could keep playing. We need to get ourselves one of those bells.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

02 September 2014

Madelyn picked out a shirt to pack for her change of clothes that has to go to preschool, and put it on the floor with a pair of shorts where I already had a pair of jeans ready to pack.

Me: Is that what you're wearing tomorrow?
Madelyn: No! Tomorrow I have to wear something "fashion-wear".

("Fashion-wear" is her latest obsession. Haven't figured out where this one is from yet.)

Monday, September 1, 2014

01 September 2014

Grandma started winking at Madelyn, so she winked back with one eye. Grandma then winked with the other eye. Madelyn tried to follow suit:

"I just can't wink with this one! It keeps blinking instead of winking!"