Saturday, April 30, 2016

30 April 2016

This isn't so much what Madelyn said, but typical kid attention spans and behaviors.

Around lunchtime we had a surprise visit from Becca, Becca's friend, and Joey. They were asking the girls questions about school, activities, etc.

Joey to Madelyn: What are you learning in school?
Madelyn seemed to ignore him and didn't answer while putting her milk back in the fridge.
Becca: Yeah, this happens every Wednesday or Thursday when we FaceTime.

Friday, April 29, 2016

29 April 2016

Madelyn's class had their spring photos and class group photo today. I completely forgot about it because we weren't planning to order photos. I remembered after lunch, and realized that the shirt she was wearing today had a giant rocket ship on it. Eh, oh well.

When we got home from the bus stop today, I noticed that Madelyn wasn't wearing the rocket shirt. She was wearing her shirt with Stitch photobombing Disney Princesses on it instead.

Me, confused: Why did you change your shirt this morning?
Madelyn, looking at me like it was obvious why she should be wearing that shirt: I remembered it was picture day, so I wanted to wear something with taking photos!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

28 April 2016

Madelyn came to work with me for Take Your Child to Work Day. The morning consisted of fun demonstrations and science experiments. After the fun, the kids had lunch before spending the rest of the day with their parents. During lunch, Madelyn excitedly told me, "[girl she just met that morning] is my new best friend!" Why does this not surprise me?

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

27 April 2016

This morning I let Alyson sleep in since there was really no rush to get her ready and eating breakfast. Madelyn was downstairs eating breakfast, and Alyson was still asleep.

Madelyn: It's so quiet when Alyson isn't here!
Me: Yeah, both of you talk up a storm, and when you are together it's crazy.
Madelyn: No, get the two of us together, and it's a talking thunderstorm!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

26 April 2016

Madelyn has her life all figured out. during lunch, she declared, "When I grow up, I'm going to invent toys that are wood and stone for things that adults have that kids can't [example she gave later: knives]. I want to be a toy maker, artist, illustrator and author, and teacher. Oh, and a rockstar!"

Monday, April 25, 2016

25 April 2016

Madelyn was looking at all of the scratches on my arms from weeding and cleaning up the raspberries today. She'll be home tomorrow because of election day, so she was trying to figure out what to do.

Madelyn: I want to help you finish weeding the raspberries.
Me: You know that all of these scratches are from the raspberries, right? You want to do it anyway?
Madelyn: Well, I'll just wear long sleeves!

Smart one she is.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

24 April 2016

I found out today that Barnes & Noble has a summer reading program that rewards kids for reading with a free book.

Me: Do you want to read books to get a free book?
Madelyn: YES!

She disappeared upstairs. When she came back down, she had a pile of chapter books (I think all Babysitters Club) to start reading.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

23 April 2016

We picked up some books for Madelyn today from someone on Freecycle. Most of the books were Babysitter Club and Beverly Cleary. There were a few R.L. Stine Goosebumps books in the mix, too. 

Madelyn, after taking one look at the cover of one Goodbumps book: I am NEVER going to read that! It looks way too scary!
Me: They're a little scary, but they's also a bit absurd. The stories wouldn't ever happen.
Madelyn: I don't care! I never want to read that!

Friday, April 22, 2016

22 April 2016

The girls got to bed a little late tonight because they were playing and having dinner at a neighbor's house. While they were getting ready for bed they were acting tired and crazy.

Me, sarcastically to Tony: At least they aren't overtired or anything.
Madelyn: I am overtired completely! No, seriously, I am!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

21 April 2016

During dinner, Alyson was questioning the amount of milk in her cup.

Alyson: If Daddy filled it all the way up like this [she pointed to the top] and put the lid on, it would spill out, and we would have a little tiny problem.
Madelyn: No we would have a medium problem. Milk would come out of the spout and we would have a volcano.
Alyson: No, we would have a milkano!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

20 April 2016

Madelyn and Alyson were being crazy today. Before bed, I was talking to Madelyn and reminding her to be good at her grandma and grandpa's tomorrow since she doesn't have school.

Madelyn: I'm not going to drive Grandma crazy!
Me: You're going to save it all for me after I get you?
Madelyn: No. I'm going to drive Grandpa crazy!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

19 April 2016

Before going for a walk after dinner, the girls had to put their shoes back on. Madelyn opted for her open-toed sandals.

Alyson: You can't run in those!
Madelyn: I know. I don't want to run anyway.

And, throughout the walk, Tony or I had to yell to Madelyn: Stop running!

Monday, April 18, 2016

18 April 2016

When I packed Madelyn's lunch last night for today, I packed her 12 grapes and left her a note that read: "How many grapes are in your lunch? Tell me two different ways." I asked her about it after she got home.

Me: What did your note say today?
Madelyn: You asked me how many grapes I had.
Me: Well?
Madelyn: I don't know. I didn't think I would have enough time to eat if I counted them.

Me: Okay, well, you had 12, so what's another word for that?
Madelyn: Um, 6 + 6 = 12?

Me: True, but that's an equation. What's another word for 12?
Madelyn: Um, I don't know.

Me: Okay, if you buy twelve eggs, you buy....
Madelyn: A DOZEN!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

17 April 2016

After finishing her Healthy Kids Running Series race today in the second half of the K-1 grade girls (13th out of around 20), Madelyn seemed to need to reassure herself and kept telling us, "It's not competitive! It doesn't matter where you finish if you have fun!" She's right, but she kept saying it, over and over and over again.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

16 April 2016


We worked with Madelyn a lot today on riding her bike. She needs to get better at peddling and steering before she has any chance of us taking off the training wheels. After she fell because she crashed into a pole:

Me: When you fall down, you get back up and try again.
Madelyn: Okay....
Me: So, what happens when you fall?
Madelyn: You get scraped up?


I had Madelyn try on some new clothes today that included shorts of different lengths and capris. With everything she tried on, she stated, "This would be great for a walk on the beach!"

Friday, April 15, 2016

15 April 2016

After I took Madelyn's Kid Fit from her to clean the band and noticed a tear in it:

Me: Your band is breaking.
Madelyn: I know. It's just two little cracks. Nothing to worry about.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

14 April 2016

While walking home from Madelyn's Tball practice today, we passed a house with white gravel around a tree and shells around another tree.

Madelyn: That gravel looks like snow! Oh, look, there's shells!
Alyson, whipping her head around to see and acting like she saw it first: Oh, look, there's shells!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

13 April 2016

Sometimes, Madelyn surprises me with how her brain works. While out on our family walk, Tony and I were discussing needing to be flexible with our schedules and possibly changing plans around.

Me: Yeah, it's not the end of the world.
Madelyn: It's not the end of the world until you die.

Of course, then we started talking about possible scientific ends of the world.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

12 April 2016

As we were saying good night tonight, Madelyn informed me, "I'm going to go right to sleep tonight to make sure the Tooth Fairy comes!"

Monday, April 11, 2016

11 April 2016

Madelyn came downstairs this morning and started doing karate kicks around the living room. She turned to me and said, "I was to take karate so I can do karate dance moves!"

Sunday, April 10, 2016

10 April 2016

This morning we found out that a family at our church with a son that was in Madelyn's preschool class is moving at the end of the school year. While we were talking about it, Madelyn declared, "I don't want to move out of this house until I'm an adult!"

Saturday, April 9, 2016

09 April 2016

We had Sriracha on the table to add to dinner tonight if anyone wanted it. Alyson is still really stuffy from her cold.

Alyson, as I put some Sriracha on my food: I don't want any of that!
Me: Are you sure? It might clear your sinuses.
Tony: You want a whole shot of it!
Madelyn: Give her a shot of that right in the sinus! Really!

Friday, April 8, 2016

08 April 2016

Madelyn was getting some of her Easter candy for dessert after dinner.

Madelyn: I have a lot!
Tony: Then I have to eat some.
Madelyn: No, you can't eat it all! You can have one of each.
Tony, taking some candy out: Okay, then I'll take one of this color and one of this color....
Madelyn: No! But you can have one of each kind.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

07 April 2016

It was raining off and on all day today with some pretty heavy downpours. Madelyn was supposed to have t-ball practice this evening, but it was cancelled. I told her as we walked home from the bus stop, and was expecting her to be disappointed.

Me: T-ball was cancelled for today.
Madelyn, perfectly fine with it: Yeah, I'm not surprised.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

06 April 2016

Madelyn was showing me the papers in her folder after she got home today. One was a worksheet with pictures and under each picture was a letter, a blank space, and another letter. They were supposed to fill in the blank based on the picture.

Madelyn, pointing to a picture of a girl with an arrow pointing hear her chin and the word "w___g" under it: I couldn't figure out this one.
Me, looking at it: Maybe "wig", but the arrow is pointing to her chin, and that one there [pointing to another picture] is definitely wig. Hmmmm....
Madelyn: Yeah, I have no idea!
Me: Did you ask your teacher?
Madelyn: She probably doesn't know either.
Me: Well, she did give you the assignment, so she probably does know.
Madelyn: Oh, yeah, maybe I should ask her.

(I just googled this some more, and I don't think that, and definitely hope that, that middle letter is "o"....)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

05 April 2016

After Madelyn got home from school, she was looking at her homework calendar to see what her assignment for today was.
Madelyn, reading: Read a book with your family and ask questions about the story.

Me: You can do that when you read your bedtime story with Daddy.
Madelyn: Yeah, that's easy because I already do that every night!

Monday, April 4, 2016

04 April 2016

Madelyn's class gets a monthly homework calendar. Today was their first day back after Spring Break, so their first day in April. All weekend, Madelyn was really concerned about having the April homework calendar. The first thing she said to me when she got off the bus today after school was, "I had to remind [teacher] to give us our April homework calendar today!"

Sunday, April 3, 2016

03 April 2016

We had a pork roast for dinner. While serving the food, we asked Madelyn if she wanted any of the drippings on her pork as a sauce. She said no. While eating:

Madelyn, after eating a piece of pork: If doesn't have much flavor.
Me: Well, that's why we asked if you wanted any of the juices on it. That would add flavor.
Madelyn: Okay, let me try some of the beef juice.
Me: Um, it's not beef, it's pork.
Madelyn, as Tony took a piece of her pork to get some of the drippings onto it from his plate: Oh....
Tony: Try that. If you like it, we can get you some more.
Madelyn, after eating it: That's better.
Tony: Do you want more for the rest of it?
Madelyn: No.

Tony: So, it tastes better to you with it, but you don't want more?
Madelyn just shrugged and went back to eating.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

02 April 2016


We were leaving the park and Madelyn was insistent on telling a boy from her bus who was there something. She isn't even really friends with him.

Me: Madelyn, he isn't paying any attention to you. 
Madelyn: But I want to tell [boy] something!
Me: What are you trying to tell him? You'll see him Monday.
Madelyn: I want to tell him that Monday is Daddy's birthday!


The girls were playing in the living room, and Tony and I heard Madelyn say, "They met the Lego people from a far away land. They have to ride in a car to get there."

Friday, April 1, 2016

01 April 2016

I laid down with Madelyn to cuddle before she went to bed.
Me: Jeez, you're hot!

Madelyn: I'm hot on the outside and cold on the inside.
Me: Oh really?
Madelyn: Yeah, I just drank water.