Sunday, December 7, 2014

07 December 2014

Madelyn, looking at the Finding Nemo plate her (leftover) cake was on: Why is Nemo black, white, and orange?
Tony: Because he's a clownfish and that's what colors they are.
Madelyn: Why is Dory black, yellow, and blue?
Tony: Because of the type of fish she is. You keep throwing me off because you're saying the colors the opposite that I would.
Madelyn: Huh?
Me: Normally, people say the color that is the most first. Like for Nemo, they would say orange, white, and black.
Madelyn: Oh. I was confused because my voice doesn't have hands to throw you off!

1 comment:

  1. She certainly listens with detail! It really is amazing how confusing the English language can be, with all of our idioms/phrases, to young learners... I love that she took you literally. Not only is it cute, but also: That misconception will serve her memory well in understanding that phrase... And the way to explain the colors of an item, too. She's a cool kid! Growing up FAST!

    Love you all.
