Sunday, November 30, 2014

30 November 2014

While figuring out what to have for dinner, we decided to ask Madelyn what she wanted between two choices.

Tony: Madelyn, for dinner, do you want tilapia...
Madelyn, cutting him off: NO!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

29 November 2014

Part of Christmas decorating always includes playing with the Fisher Price Nativity Set and the Santa that dances and sings "Christmas Rock". At one point, Madelyn had everyone in the Nativity watching the dancing Santa:

"The people from Heaven are just staring at Santa because they don't understand him."

Friday, November 28, 2014

28 November 2014

After playing "puppy dog" with Nana, Madelyn asked on the ride home:

"Can I play 'puppy dog' with Nana when I see her again? I hope she has dog toys at her house to play with."

Thursday, November 27, 2014

27 November 2014

When the "Red Hot Mamas" came on the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with their shopping carts, Madelyn turned to Tony in excitement:

Madelyn: Daddy, do you recognize those walkers?
Tony: Ummm.... No.....
Madelyn: They look like GG's!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

26 November 2014

When it started snowing:

Me: Hey, it's snowing!
Madelyn: Yay! Can I go play in it?
Me: Nope. The snow is really wet, and it was raining a lot and it's really wet outside.
Madelyn, pouting: Aw, nuts!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

25 November 2014

As we were cuddling/playing before bed tonight:

Me: So, sleep in tomorrow, okay?
Madelyn: Why?
Me: Because we don't have to go anywhere, and I want to sleep in.
Madelyn: Okay, I won't get up until "five thirty M".
Me: Um, "five thirty M" isn't a time. If you mean "5:30AM" please do not get up that early. Let's go for more like 8AM.

(And, we all know she'll be up bright and early tomorrow morning.)

Monday, November 24, 2014

24 November 2014

Madelyn got the hiccups during dinner. After a brief period of not hiccuping:

"I think I don't have the hiccups anymore!" ...Hiccup! "Ugh!"

Sunday, November 23, 2014

23 November 2014

After seeing Santa today:

"I didn't recognize Santa because of his hat, but I recognized him from his white gloves."

Apparently, plain, white gloves = Santa.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

22 November 2014

Looking at the leash for Aunt Gina and Uncle Matt's dog:

"I want to try to put the leash on Della. But, I don't want her to lick me!"

Friday, November 21, 2014

21 November 2014

We were walking back to the car after dinner and a quick stop into Carter's, and as we passed each parked car, Madelyn yelled, "Snow!"

Thursday, November 20, 2014

20 November 2014

Tonight for dinner, the girls had dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets. Madelyn took her brontosaurus, held it upside down so that it was on it's back, and declared, "Look! It's a turtle!" A turtle stuck on it's back, I guess?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

19 November 2014

Telling us about showing off her ribbon wand during sharing today at school:

Madelyn: I showed everybody some tricks, but I don't think [teacher] liked it because I think I hit her with it.
Me: Did you hit her with the ribbon or the hard part?
Madelyn, after thinking for a few seconds: I think I hit her with just the hard part.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

18 November 2014

After Madelyn's nose stopped bleeding, she wanted to call talk to Grandma to make sure that she knows what to do if it starts bleeding again tomorrow. While on the phone:

Me, to Mom on the phone: It was gushing blood.
Madelyn: It was like a waterfall!!

Monday, November 17, 2014

17 November 2014

Over and over and over while doing her homework (yup, my pre-K girl has homework), she just kept singing, "Australlllliiiiaaaaa!!!" at the top of her lungs. I asked her why, but I still have no idea.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

16 November 2014

While at Target today, we were looking quickly in the "One Spot" section (the cheapo stuff that's only $1 or so). Madelyn declared that she was looking at the "junk toys."

Saturday, November 15, 2014

15 November 2014

We went to Sam's Club this afternoon, which of course meant there were free samples as we shopped. After Madelyn finished a Little Smokies sausage in a sauce made with strawberry jelly:

Madelyn: Yum! That was like a honey hotdog!
Me: Have you ever had a honey hotdog?
Madelyn: No.

Friday, November 14, 2014

14 November 2014

Madelyn being her normal, silly self:

"Arf! Arf! Moo! Moo! I'm a dog, and I'm pretending my voice changed."

Thursday, November 13, 2014

13 November 2014

Lately, after Madelyn has brushed her teeth and is getting into bed, she insists that I have to stand next to her bed, she takes of her slippers, stands on her bed, and throws them over my head toward her shoe basket. Tonight when she wanted me to come stand there:

Madelyn: Mommy, I need you to come be my insistent.
Me, walking toward her: You want me to be what?
Madelyn: My insistent.
Me: Think about what word you want.
Madelyn: Huh?
Me: You want me to assist you?
Madelyn: Yeah.
Me: Then, you want me to be your assistant.
Madelyn: Ooooohhhh! Assistant!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

12 November 2014

The conversation as we were getting dinner on the table:

Madelyn: I want the purple plate!
Me: What? You wanted a plate?
Tony: No plates here.
Madelyn: But I need a plate for my tortellini!
Tony: Nope, we're going to make it float and you have to eat it out of mid-air.
Madelyn: But, Daddy, you don't have the magic to make it float! You would need to be in space to make it float!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

11 November 2014

We went for our usual walk after dinner this evening. Because it has been dark now, Madelyn has been taking my headlamp to use as a flashlight. Usually she just carries it. Tonight, she tried putting it on at first.

Tony: Are you trying to be Cyclops?
Madelyn: No, I'm not a cyclops.
Me: Do you even know what Cyclops is?
Madelyn: A one balled eyed monster.

I guess she showed me (if you ignore the X-men reference).

Monday, November 10, 2014

10 November 2014

Madelyn got out a roll of Scotch tape to do who knows what with today. She brought it into the living room and tried to put it up high out of Alyson's reach while saying:

"Aly, don't play with this because I'm afraid you might get cut by the tape espenser."

This was after leaving her scissors on the floor that Alyson grabbed, of course.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

09 November 2014

When Madelyn says good night to Alyson every night, she says, "Good night, Princess Aly." Tonight while walking back to her room after saying good night, Madelyn proclaimed:

"We're going to be princess for a very long time until the family dies."

I paused and looked at her with a bewildered look and she quickly followed with:

"Just kidding!"

Saturday, November 8, 2014

08 November 2014

Alyson kept asking "what?" or "why?" in response to everything Madelyn said. Madelyn got fed up and complained to us:
Madelyn: Alyson keeps saying the same thing over and over!
Tony: Pot, meet kettle.
Madelyn: What?!
Me: It means that you do the same thing.
Madelyn, to Alyson: Pot me kettle!
Alyson: Whah?
Over and over like this:

Friday, November 7, 2014

07 November 2014

After baths tonight, I had Madelyn try on her Christmas dress from last year to see if it will work for one set of Santa photos we're doing in two weeks or if I have to rush out and find something for her. I also had her try on a pair of Hello Kitty pajamas I found mixed in with Alyson's stuff.

Madelyn: Isn't this bow adorable? I want to go show Daddy.
She ran off to Alyson's room where Tony was.
Madelyn: Look, Daddy! Isn't this dress and bow adorable?
She came back in to try on the PJs.
Madelyn: I love these Hello Kitty pajamas! They are so adorable!
She then decided to wear the "adorable" pajamas for bed tonight.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

06 November 2014

Madelyn's latest knock knock joke during dinner:

Madelyn: Knock knock.
Me: Who's there?
Madelyn: Bacon.
Me: Bacon who?
Madelyn: Bacon comes from a pig when you kill it.

Then, she kept muttering her "amazing" joke to herself while eating.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

05 November 2014

Madelyn had another accident last night after a little over a week of dry nights. Tonight, as she was getting into bed:

Me: Is tonight going to be night one?
Madelyn: Yes! I want to be good. I'm not going to forget to get up and go potty.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

04 November 2014

This is a sign of how much Madelyn did not like dinner last night. She was looking through the Giant ad to find pictures of things that start with "A" to cut out for her alphabet journal. Before she got started cutting:

Me, starting to cut out a recipe in the ad: Let me cut this recipe out first.
Madelyn: What's that for?
Me: This is the chili we had last night.
Madelyn: You're not going to serve us that again, are you?
Me, trying not to laugh: No, Daddy and I had the leftover for lunch because we liked it.

Monday, November 3, 2014

03 November 2014

An example of how Madelyn and Alyson interact with each other quite often:

Madelyn: Knock, knock.
Alyson: Ding, ding.
Madelyn: Raspberry.
Alyson: Oh.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

02 November 2014


In the car listening to Disney music again as usual, Madelyn must announce the title and movie for every song that plays:

"This is 'You'll Be In My Heart'. We haven't heard it in a while and it's my favorite song from what movie is it from again?"

(She has not actually seen Tarzan yet.)


In the car on the way home from dinner after seeing Frozen on Ice, Alyson made some sleepy sounding mumbly noises.

Madelyn to Alyson: Are you awake?
Tony: No, she's talking in her sleep.

Madelyn: She's awake and talking in her wake.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

01 November 2014

While playing in the playroom, Alyson started yelling something over and over that sounded like "eye".

Madelyn, yelling to us in the living room: I think Alyson wants ice!
Tony: Did she hit herself?
Madelyn: I don't think so.
Tony: Did you hit her?
Madelyn: Um, no, I don't think so!