Thursday, December 31, 2015

31 December 2015

Randomly when we were finishing up dinner, Madelyn asked us, "How old are you guys? Thirteen?"

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

30 December 2015

When the Terps game was over, Madelyn exclaimed, "They're stuck at 64!"

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

29 December 2015

On the way to Nana and Poppop's after we turned onto their street off of the main road, Madelyn exclaimed, "Okay, we're almost there! I just know it! They have this road!"

Monday, December 28, 2015

28 December 2015

Tony was showing Madelyn where North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania are relative to each other using a map that shows the states and their capitals. Previously, we had pointed out to her where Indianapolis is because her best friend is moving there today/tomorrow.

Tony, pointing to the map: Annapolis is the capital of Maryland.
Madelyn: Annapolis is also in Indiana.

(If you know the NCAA Tournament commercial where they go to "In the Annapolis" to try to watch the tournament instead of Indianapolis, this is hilarious.)

Sunday, December 27, 2015

27 December 2015

While in the car, Madelyn and Alyson were talking about Alyson's giant rubber duck she got from Santa when Madelyn informed us, "Next Christmas I want the biggest purple rubber ducky ever!"

Saturday, December 26, 2015

26 December 2015

A few days ago, I told Madelyn the surprise plan to redo Alyson's bedroom when they spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house Sunday into Monday. Grandpa has been sick, so it doesn't seem like spending the night is going to happen, Madelyn has been very concerned about this.

Alyson: When am I going to Grandma's again?
Me: You're spending the night tomorrow if Grandpa is feeling okay.
Madelyn: But what about...
Me, cutting her off: If you can't spend the night, we'll figure it out.
Madelyn: But then you....
Me, cutting her off again: It will be okay.
Madelyn: But....
I just glared at her.

Friday, December 25, 2015

25 December 2015

While trying to guess what our Christmas dinner dessert was going to be:

Tony: I'll give you a hint. It's both a pie and a cake.
Madelyn: Ice cream!
Tony: Um, no.

(It was cheesecake.)

Thursday, December 24, 2015

24 December 2015

On the way to Christmas Eve Mass tonight:

Alyson to Madelyn: You're my best friend.
Madelyn: You're.... my sister.

Feel the love.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

23 December 2015

Madelyn asked us if she was ever going back to the private school she went to for preschool. The school goes up to 8th grade and some of her friends from preschool continued on there for school. In our discussion, we talked about how our public schools here are good and are a better fit for our family. We also mentioned that private schools cost a lot of money, and if she went to private school, we would have to give up on all of the activities she does and other treats we enjoy.

Me, teasing: Daddy would have to give up his Starbucks.
Madelyn: I don't want to give up Starbucks! I love their drinks and treats. I was about to cry when I heard that!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

22 December 2015

While the girls were playing Hungry, Hungry Hippos (their new favorite):

Alyson: My hippo has a tummy ache.
Madelyn: Well, one more bite won't hurt. Now, open the mouth!

Monday, December 21, 2015

21 December 2015

After dinner tonight we were playing Hungry, Hungry Hippos. It was the first time we were playing it after Madelyn got it from Alyson for her birthday. Madelyn didn't understand why Tony​ and I kept laughing at her:

Madelyn, referring to the marbles and her hippo: Is anyone stuck in my body?

Madelyn, after she dropped a marble (again) and it rolled across the floor (again): Marbles are round so it's hard!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

20 December 2015

After Madelyn went to bed tonight, she was goofing off and not going to sleep. (Damn 20 minute nap when she fell asleep in the car on the way home!) I look on the monitor and see her looking like she was either trying to do a somersault on her bed or bury her head in her pillows. 

Me to her over the monitor: What are ARE you doing?
Madelyn startled and suddenly laying down: I don't know....
Me: Go to sleep! You have school tomorrow.
Madelyn: Okay.....

Saturday, December 19, 2015

19 December 2015

Tony was complaining that the Charity Miles app on his phone kept crashing on start-up. Madelyn asked, "Why does it keep crashing down?"

Friday, December 18, 2015

18 December 2015

The girls and I were wrapping Tony's Christmas gift from them today. While we were wrapping it:

Madelyn: Does Daddy even know how to play this game?
Me: No, but that doesn't matter. I'm not even sure he knows this game exists.
Madelyn: Then how is he going to know what to do?
Me: The directions come with it.
Madelyn: Ooohhh.....

Thursday, December 17, 2015

17 December 2015

Santa came through the neighborhood across the street and our neighborhood tonight on a firetruck. In order to get the girls to bed a little earlier, we all got in the car and drove to the other neighborhood to find him. We ended up in a part of the neighborhood that Tony and I aren't very familiar with, so he pulled up a map on his phone to figure out the best way to get home. Madelyn saw the map and asked, "Why are you tracking Santa?"

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

16 December 2015

While at the dentist this morning, the dentist and hygienist couldn't believe how much she had grown in the last six months.

Hygienist: You've gotten so big!
Madelyn: Well, I DID just turn six!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

15 December 2015

Tony was supposed to work late tonight, so the girls and I were planning to wrap his Christmas present after dinner. Tony ended up coming home earlier than expected.

Me: Daddy just texted and he's on his way home.
Madelyn: But what if he sees his present?!
Me, confused because the present wasn't even out: We'll wrap it another time.
Madelyn: Good because we don't want to ruin the surprise!

Monday, December 14, 2015

14 December 2015

While the girls were playing this morning:

Alyson to Madelyn: Roar! Monster!
Madelyn: Aly, can we please stop dealing with monsters on Mondays?

Sunday, December 13, 2015

13 December 2015

Madelyn came up to me holding one of the elves that hide overnight.

Madelyn: Can I hide the elves and reindeer?
Tony: If you hide them, you can't look for them tomorrow.
Madelyn: Why not?
Me: Because you'll know where they are.
Madelyn: But what if I forget?!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

12 December 2015

While the girls were at Uncle Matt​ and Aunt Gina​'s making cookies this afternoon, Madelyn bit into a chocolate chip cookie and realized that one of her front top teeth is loose (both actually are) because it hurt.

Matt: It's a magic cookie!
Madelyn: No, it's just a really hard cookie.

Friday, December 11, 2015

11 December 2015

I was talking to Madelyn about wrapping Christmas gifts, and she was very concerned about Alyson seeing what she is getting from Madelyn while she wraps the gift.

Me: We'll just have Daddy keep Aly busy so that you can wrap your present to her.
Madelyn: That's a good idea!
Me: And, Daddy will do something with you so that Aly can wrap her present for you.
Madelyn: I'm old enough! I can just stay away myself!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

10 December 2015

The Ravenclaw House of the Hogwarts Running Club is doing a Christmas card exchange. I signed up with the girls being the recipients so that they got their own Christmas card this year. A red  envelope with an owl drawn on the back came today for the girls. After Madelyn opened it and I read it to them:

Me: This card is from someone in the Ravenclaw House of the Hogwarts Running Club. I signed up to have a card sent especially for you two.
Madelyn, excited: Oooh! That's why there's an owl on the back. I get it!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

09 December 2015

I took cupcakes to school for Madelyn's birthday and stayed for lunch and recess. I had been a little confused about whatever game Madelyn had been playing with her friends. It was a typical kids' game that comes from wonderfully wild imaginations. After school she told me, "We play games were one person comes up with an idea and the other two people vote on it. If we like it, we play it." How incredible diplomatic for kindergarten.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

08 December 2015

Dinner tonight was another new recipe: Cheeseburger Hand Pies. The recipe calls for mustard in it, but the girls don't like mustard. Instead, I did ketchup on theres, but did mustard in one small corner so they could try it. While Madelyn was eating, but had only eaten one corner of the four:

Madelyn: This is really good! I don't even taste the mustard!
Me: You may not have even eaten the corner with the mustard yet. I don't remember which corner it's in.
Madelyn, disappointed: Oh....

Monday, December 7, 2015

07 December 2015

We tried a new recipe tonight for dinner: Honey Mustard Chicken. When the girls asked what we were having for dinner, I only told them it was Honey Chicken because I didn't want them to decide they wouldn't like it before we even had it. During dinner, after Madelyn tried it and loved it:

Me: I have a confession to make. It's not just honey chicken, it's honey mustard chicken.
Madelyn: What?! I can't even taste the mustard! I actually like it!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

06 December 2015

A discussion with Madelyn about parenting after I was teasing her about not letting her do something fun:

Me: My job is to keep you safe and teach you stuff.
Madelyn: Yeah, and to make sure we can have some fun!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

05 December 2015

Madelyn and I went for a run together this afternoon. It was four minutes of running and one minute of walking repeated for a total of 30 minutes. During our last running interval:

Madelyn: I think I need to walk....
Me: You only have a minute left. You can keep going!
Madelyn: Okay....
Me, when we finished: See, you did it!
Madelyn: Yeah! Next time, I want to run for five minutes!

Friday, December 4, 2015

04 December 2015

After finishing her dinner, Madelyn picked out a piece of candy for dessert. Alyson was trying to decide what piece of candy she wanted.

Me, to Alyson: You have time for a lollipop if you want.
Madelyn, excited: Really?! I want a lollipop!

She threw the piece of candy she had picked out back into her bucket and started rummaging for a lollipop.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

03 December 2015

Madelyn and I were talking about the Pin the Head on the Lego Man game I made for her party.

Me: So you like it?
Madelyn: Yeah! I can't believe you made that.
Me: It took me a little longer than I planned.
Madelyn: At least you didn't have to draw the head and body.
Me: I did draw it and then painted it.
Madelyn: I thought you printed it from the computer.
Me: I printed a smaller one and used that to copy for my drawing.
Madelyn: How did you learn to draw like that?!?!?!?!

(A bit of a note, this really impressed Madelyn because right now she wants to be an artist or an art teacher.)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

02 December 2015

After the girls kissed each other good night, Madelyn started laughing and said, "We kissed like we were getting married!" Ummmm....

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

01 December 2015

Our Christmas lights went up outside over the weekend, but haven't been on. As soon as Tony came in today, Madelyn told him, "Daddy, you need to turn the lights on!"

Monday, November 30, 2015

30 November 2015

An astute one she is. While drinking from her Frosty the Snowman cup during dinner, Madelyn pondered, "Why is he called 'Frosty the Snowman'? Probably because he's frosty and a snowman."

Sunday, November 29, 2015

29 November 2015

Madelyn wrote a letter to Santa today to put in the special mailbox at Macy's. We needed her to copy the address onto the envelope we already had gotten out.

Tony: Get something hard to write on.
Madelyn: Like an envelope?

Saturday, November 28, 2015

28 November 2015

With every ornament she took to hang on the tree, Madelyn asked, "Where should I put this? I can't find a place!" And, when we were done, she said that there was still room on the tree.

Friday, November 27, 2015

27 November 2015

Yesterday the girls made pilgrim puppets with Grandma. Today they were playing with them. After I heard what Alyson's were named:

Me: Alyson's are named Tom and Talulah?
Madelyn: Yeah.
Me: What are yours named?
Madelyn: Mr. Pilgrim and Mrs. Pilgrim.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

26 November 2015

While watching Santa at the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, Madelyn questioned, "Why doesn't Santa have his glasses on?" There was much explaining after that.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

25 November 2015

Me: Daddy's going to go to the grocery store while you two are in the bath to get some stuff I need to make breakfast for tomorrow.
Madelyn, seeming like she remembered what we had last year: Are we having the same thing we had last year on Thanksgiving?
Me: Maybe. Do you remember what we had?
Madelyn, thinking: Ummm... No....

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

24 November 2015

We had homemade pizza for dinner tonight. While eating, Madelyn told us all, "Pizza is human made." Okay, true.

Monday, November 23, 2015

23 November 2015


After Madelyn got up this morning:

Madelyn: What should I wear today?
Me: Something warm. It literally is freezing right now.
Madelyn: So long sleeves?


The girls lost a rug that goes to Alyson's Doc McStuffins Duplo set. Alyson was sitting on the rug in the living room. Madelyn asked her, "Aly, can you please get off of the rug so I can look for the rug?"


Madelyn packed most of her lunch for tomorrow. As she was finishing it, she insisted that she write herself a note since we always leave a note in her lunch:

Sunday, November 22, 2015

22 November 2015

Madelyn and I made s'mores brownies for dessert tonight. While she was eating hers, Madelyn declared, "These are the first s'mores brownies I've ever had. They're the best ones yet!"

Saturday, November 21, 2015

21 November 2015

At a house warming party this evening, they had a bonfire and we roasted marshmallows for s'mores. While Madelyn was eating hers, she astutely pointed out, "This marshmallow is hard to eat because it's so sticky!" Well, yeah....

Friday, November 20, 2015

20 November 2015

Too early!

When Madelyn's friend was over playing after school, the two of them were coloring. Madelyn said to him, "I'm drawing you inside this heart kissing me!" I chuckled a little, but tried to hide it, and Madelyn quickly added, "Just kidding!"

Thursday, November 19, 2015

19 November 2015

Madelyn's homework assignment today was to make a list or menu of the food she would be having on Thanksgiving. She also decided she was going to draw pictures of the food.

Madelyn: So, should I draw like a loaf of bread?
Me: We're having bread dressing, not just bread. The rolls [on the list right before this] is our bread.
Madelyn: So, should I draw dressing on the bread?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

18 November 2015

While I was fixing dinner:

Me: How many shrimp do you two want?
Madelyn: Zero! I don't want shrimp for dinner.
Me: Too bad. That's what we're having for dinner.
Madelyn: Fine. I'll have two.

And during dinner:

Madelyn: These shrimp are really good! Can we have them again?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

17 November 2015

Madelyn is trying to get better at the play on words that is often in knock, knock jokes.

Madelyn: Knock, knock.
Tony: Who's there?
Madelyn: Grape.
Tony: Grape who?
Madelyn: Grape job!

Monday, November 16, 2015

16 November 2015

Me: What do you want for lunch tomorrow?
Madelyn: I want the same thing as today only a different drink. I want the same thing as today only a different drink and a different treat. I want a different drink, treat, and note. I want a knock, knock joke note. A different knock, knock joke.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

15 November 2015


While watching the Ravens game, a commercial for a Garmin fitness watch came on. Madelyn was excited about it and said, "Wwwwwooooooaaaaahhhhh!!!! I think that's even cooler than a KidFit!"


How little kids mis-hear song lyrics can be hilarious. Granted, this is not the most appropriate song for her to be listening to, but Madelyn loves "Miss Jackson" by Panic! At the Disco. Part of the lyrics in the chorus are, "Out the back door goddamn but I love her anyway." Madelyn was belting the song out in the car but was singing, "Out the back door, calm down, but I love her anyway!" We'll just keep the innocent lyrics.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

14 November 2015


While eating some banana with breakfast this morning, Madelyn told Alyson, "Squish the banana around in your mouth once it's chewed up and you can make banana pudding!"


Madelyn overheard Tony and I talking and tried to add in her two cents by saying, "If you want to make a difference, you need to be completely born with no children." Huh?

Friday, November 13, 2015

13 November 2015

Madelyn brought home a purple frisbee from school today as a prize for getting donations for her school's Fun Run. As she was trying to get it out of the packaging, she asked me in amazement, "How did they know that purple is my favorite color?!"

Thursday, November 12, 2015

12 November 2015

Madelyn was excited to wear her new superhero girl pajamas tonight. After she got them on, she left her room, stuck a pose to show me, and strutted to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

11 November 2015

After dinner today, we had Madelyn take the Pottermore sorting quiz to see which house she would be sorted into at Hogwarts. After answering all of the questions and I was about to tell her the results, she begged, "I don't want to be in Slytherin!!!"

(For the record: Ravenclaw - 78%, Hufflepuff - 76%, Slytherin - 42%, Gryffindor - 42%. She wanted Gryffindor.)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

10 November 2015

The stages of introducing something new at dinner:

First, while I was fixing dinner:
Madelyn: What are we having for dinner?
Me: Something new that has noodles and peanut butter and the leftover chicken and peas.
Madelyn: That sounds disgusting!

When dinner was almost cooked:
Madelyn, coming through the kitchen while playing with Aly: That peanut butter sauce smells really good!

While eating dinner:
Madelyn, surprised: This is really yummy!

Monday, November 9, 2015

09 November 2015

When Madelyn synced her KidFit to my phone before bed today, she saw that she had 94 points. The goal is to get 100 points in a day from movement and activity. She immediately started running around in circles upstairs trying to get the last 6 points she needed saying, "I have to meet my goal!"

(Nope, she didn't quite get there. By bedtime, she had 97 points.)

Sunday, November 8, 2015

08 November 2015

Madelyn and Alyson were playing in the living room. We heard Madelyn announce, "Attention passengers. Please board the plane. The first one to board get a snack!"

Saturday, November 7, 2015

07 November 2015

Alyson fell asleep in the car on between leaving IKEA and going to pick up our Across the Bay 10K race stuff. Madelyn had to be quiet. Alyson was still asleep when we got to the race expo, so Tony went to get our stuff and Madelyn (she chose to stay) and I waited in the car with Alyson.

Madelyn: I'm bored.
Me: Then close your eyes and go to sleep.
Madelyn, obviously tired: But sleep is boring!

(She fell asleep in the car on the way home.)

Friday, November 6, 2015

06 November 2015

This isn't particularly funny, but if you know Madelyn, you know this is impressive:

Madelyn: Daddy, guess what I did at the Fun Run today!
Tony: Ran around?
Madelyn: Well, yeah, but guess what else!
Tony: I don't know.
Madelyn: I gave the mascots high fives!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

05 November 2015

While I was fixing dinner, I was letting Madelyn use my phone to text her grandma. The first time she wrote a message, the keyboard was on the screen. The second time it was not. She was confused and complained, "I want to send a message but I don't have any words!"

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

04 November 2015

During  dinner, Madelyn said, but kind of asked us, "I can't have dessert because I had a Twizzler." Then, no more than five minutes later when she finished her dinner, she excitedly asked us, "Can I have dessert?" Apparently, she didn't want to listen to her own rule.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

03 November 2015

Madelyn, looking at her homework calendar: Mommy, what does "E-X" mean?
Me: Example.
Madelyn, with an "ah ha" moment: Ooooohhhhh!!!!

Monday, November 2, 2015

02 November 2015

Since she didn't have school, Madelyn was at her grandma and grandpa's with her sister today. Madelyn was playing with Mom in the bedroom during Alyson's nap while Mom had a cough drop in her mouth.

Madelyn: Ew! I don't like that smell! Close your mouth!
Mom: My mouth is closed.
Madelyn: Then close your nose, too!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

01 November 2015

While looking at her new Justice League pajamas:

Madelyn: Why is Wonder Woman a princess?
Me: She was a princess where she came from.
Madelyn: Where'd she come from? Disney?

Saturday, October 31, 2015

31 October 2015


After seeing Kermit the Frog on YouTube, Madelyn asked, "Who is that lizard guy?"


While going trick-or-treating, after every house that gave her a Kit Kat, Madelyn exclaimed, "I got a Kit Kat! My favorite!"

Friday, October 30, 2015

30 October 2015

We had shelving added to Alyson's closet today. When the installer was here before Madelyn went to school, she was amazed at him carrying three large pieces for the closet: "That must be as heavy as the moon!"

Thursday, October 29, 2015

29 October 2015

As we were walking home from the bus stop, Madelyn looked up, pointed toward the top of a tree, and said, "I could touch the sky if I was in a tree that high!"

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

28 October 2015

While she was in the bath, we overheard Madelyn making her own infomercial: "To find out what happens next, go to!"

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

27 October 2015

As a side with dinner tonight, we had butternut squash roasted with a little brown sugar and pumpkin pie spice.

Madelyn, after taking a bite and looking like she was going to throw up: I don't like it!
Tony: Why don't you like it? It's sweet.
Me: Try another bite.
Madelyn, after trying another bite: I love it!

Typical kid deciding she didn't like something before even really trying it.

Monday, October 26, 2015

26 October 2015

During lunch Madelyn let us know all about her recess adventures:

"I tried to go across the monkey bars today. But, I only made it to the second bar. Then, I got scared that I was going to fall, so I let myself drop down."

(So, she was afraid she was going to fall, so she fell. Granted, it was controlled, but....)

Sunday, October 25, 2015

25 October 2015

We ordered the girls medal racks for the Healthy Kids Running Series. The racks have the logo, are sparkly bright green, and have four hooks. Since today was the last race, we were able to pick them up. Madelyn's first response when I showed it to her: "What! Only 4?!" I think she likes medals.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

24 October 2015

While at Target, Madelyn kept loudly singing "Lampshades on Fire" by Modest Mouse. Honestly, it was getting on my nerves.

Me: Could you please stop singing?
Madelyn: I can't help it! It's stuck in my head, and it's the only think I can think of!

Friday, October 23, 2015

23 October 2015

Tony packed Madelyn's lunch for today and wrote her note. When she got home today:

Madelyn: What did Daddy write on my note?
Me, reading the note: What goes tick-tock, bow-wow, tick-tock, bow-wow? A watch dog.
Madelyn: Oooh! Daddy's "t"s looked like "f"s! He needs to work on his "t"s!

And, she informed him of this after he got home.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

22 October 2015

We overheard Madelyn saying to Alyson while they were playing in the bath: "Travis, you need to turn back into a person. You can be a ducky after your mom has the baby."

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

21 October 2015

When I pack Madelyn's lunch, I usually leave a note in it. As she was telling me what she wants for lunch tomorrow, she asked, "Can I write my own note?"

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

20 October 2015

Madelyn and I ran around the block today when we went for a walk. We passed by some kids playing on their bikes, which made that section of our run a little slower.

Me: It's really hard to run when kids are riding their bikes around you.
Madelyn: Yeah, and they were shooting [Nerf guns] at each other while riding their bikes. How were they doing that?!

Monday, October 19, 2015

19 October 2015

The basket we use to keep mail is on the TV stand we use as a table and electronics storage. The TV is hanging on the wall above it. The girls were bouncing around and playing this morning and the mail fell in an avalanche. Madelyn picked up the mail and said, "Umm, I think we need to raise the TV!"

Sunday, October 18, 2015

18 October 2015

Before the kids ran at the Healthy Kids Running Series today, the coordinator took the time to tell and show the kids fall produce, such as spaghetti squash, butternut squash, and pomegranates. After Madelyn ran her race:

Madelyn: We don't have any pomegranates at home right now, do we?
Me: Actually, we do. Daddy just bought one today.
Madelyn, excited: Ooh! Can I have some in my lunch tomorrow?

Saturday, October 17, 2015

17 October 2015

While Tony was running the Baltimore Half Marathon today, we were tracking him using Runkeeper Live. Every single time I updated Madelyn on his progress, the conversation went something like this:

Me: Daddy has gone 6.5 miles now! He's about half done, but his average pace is a little slower than before.
Madelyn: What?! Daddy can't be slowing down!

Friday, October 16, 2015

16 October 2015

Before bed, I was teasing Madelyn and holding my cold hands on her stomach.

Madelyn, trying to squirm away: Your hands are cold!
Me, teasing: Are they really?
Madelyn: Yes! Try putting them on your own skin!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

15 October 2015

Madelyn excitedly ran off the bus this afternoon to me to tell me all about their Fun Run fundraiser coming up:

Madelyn: Guess what!
Me: What?
Madelyn: We're going to do a fun run at school! And if we raise enough money, one of the teachers gets to shove a cream pie in the Doctor's face!

(No, not Dr. Who. "The Doctor" is her school's principal.)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

14 October 2015

During dinner, after Alyson was messing with Madelyn just to continue getting a reaction out of her:

Tony to Madelyn: If you ignore her, she'll stop. She's just doing it to get a reaction out of you.
Madelyn: What's a reaction?
Me: Something that happens in response to something else.
Madelyn: Did George Washington react to someone?
Me: Um? What?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

13 October 2015

Today's Madelynism isn't one specific thing she said. During dinner tonight, Madelyn kept asked us how to say different words and phrases in Spanish. She got so into it and started asking for such complex verb tenses that Tony and I had to pull out our phones and use Google Translate to answer her questions. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

12 October 2015

So helpful. I think Madelyn has been listening to us too closely.
While I was getting ready to cook dinner:

Me: How do we want the shrimp?
Madelyn: Cooked.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

11 October 2015

On the way to a baby shower today:

Madelyn: Why is it called a baby "shower"?
Me: Because you "shower" the mom with lots of presents and attention for her baby. Showering means giving lots of stuff to someone, like lots of water on a plant when there is a rain shower.
Madelyn: It's like a birthday party for the new baby!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

10 October 2015

Madelyn was telling me about things she did at a birthday party this afternoon.

Madelyn: I did a standing swing! Does that sound dangerous?
Me: No, not really. I've done that.
Madelyn, surprised: Really?!
Me: Yeah, I was a kid once, too.
Madelyn: I knew you were a kid, but I didn't know you did a standing swing!
Me: Yeah, I did that and lots of other things I'm not going to tell you about because I don't want you getting any ideas.
Madelyn: Awwww....
Me: I'm sure you'll figure it all out on your own.
Madelyn smiled.

Friday, October 9, 2015

09 October 2015

While reading before bed tonight, Tony read to Madelyn about a frog telling the main characters to use the wishing spell to get back to their world. Madelyn incredulously exclaimed, "That's the name of this book!" ("The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell" by Chris Colfer)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

08 October 2015

Tony took Madelyn out shopping today for a birthday present for a party this weekend.

Tony: What do you want to get her?
Madelyn: Ummmm....
Tony: Do you think she likes Legos?
Madelyn: I don't know. [thinking] I know what I can get her!
Tony: What?
Madelyn: I Lego Friends game!
Tony: But you don't know if she likes Legos or not....

(Everybody likes Legos, obviously.)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

07 October 2015


Whenever Madelyn takes leftovers for lunch, I remind her that she will not be able to heat it up at school. While fixing dinner tonight, I was trying to figure out how much to cook, so I asked if she wanted leftovers for lunch.

Me: Remember, you can't heat it up so it will be cold or room temperature.
Madelyn: Because my lunchbox is not an oven.


We bought workbooks for teaching handwriting, especially cursive, to supplement what Madelyn learns in school. The workbooks came today, so I was showing Madelyn. She looked at the cursive one and said, "Oooh! It's for learning fancy letters!"

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

06 October 2015

Before leaving for the bus this morning, the girls were playing Star Wars and having a lightsaber battle. (No, neither one has seen any Star Wars and I'm not sure they know what a lightsaber is. Madelyn has picked this up from a boy at school, and it's awesome.) Madelyn play collapsed onto the floor after Alyson "hit" her and explained, "I wanted to show her how to die!"

Monday, October 5, 2015

05 October 2015

Madelyn was eating a package of Bitsy's Brain Food cookies while doing her homework after school. Her homework was to list as many words ending in "at" as she could. After she listed quite a number of words, Madelyn was impressed with herself and declared, "These smart cookies really work!"

Sunday, October 4, 2015

04 October 2015

Empathy is not quite strong with this one yet. 

Me to Madelyn: Poor Owen threw up this morning.
Madelyn: Why?

Saturday, October 3, 2015

03 October 2015

Tony and Madelyn made blueberry bread today at Madelyn's request. With every ingredient that Tony got out, Madelyn excitedly asked, "Is that it? Can I pour it in?"

Friday, October 2, 2015

02 October 2015

Madelyn gets a monthly calendar with her homework assignments on it. This morning after we decided that she was staying home from school because she is sick, she asked, "Can I still do my homework today even though I'm not going to school?" 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

01 October 2015

For dessert tonight, Madelyn wanted some chocolate cherry granola. The bag is half gone, so most of the bigger pieces have been eaten.

Madelyn: I don't want all of the crumbs! I want to real pieces!
Me: This is what granola is. The bigger pieces just weren't broken up as much. They're all gone.
Madelyn: Oh, okay, I guess.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

30 September 2015

Madelyn had a very eventful recess today, or at least it seemed that way to her. While we were walking home from the bus, she excitedly told me, "It was raining at recess today. It started sprinkling and [girl] and I were trying to decide if we should tell the recess teacher so that she could blow the whistle and we could go inside and then when we finally decided to tell her, she blew the whistle before we got there. It's good that we went inside because we do NOT want to get all wet at recess."

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

29 September 2015

While talking about the rain today:

Madelyn: When we left to go to the bus, it was raining just outside the front door.
Me: Only outside the front door? Not anywhere else?
Madelyn: It might have been raining out the back door by the gym, too.

Monday, September 28, 2015

28 September 2015

Tony and I were talking a bit about Boehner and his recent comments about the Tea Party, but we were keeping it vague. Madelyn was pretty confused and thought it was "weird." Admittedly, instead of trying to explain it to her, we told her that I didn't make sense because she didn't know everything going on, and we weren't going to explain it to her right then. Her response was, "It makes weird sense if you're a five-year-old!"

Sunday, September 27, 2015

27 September 2015

When I got back to the pew from Communion during Mass today, Madelyn asked me, "When will I be old enough to get that circle wafer bread thingy?" 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

26 September 2015

Earlier in the day, Tony and Madelyn went to the Sports Authority in the same shopping center as the Giant we go to to buy her some soccer gear. While there, they saw that there was a grand opening party at the new bank in the shopping center. This afternoon, we went to that Giant after a birthday party. When we were walking into the grocery store, Madelyn informed us, "There's a party going on at the bank near our Giant, and I am not going to dance with a mascot because I am afraid of mascots for NO REASON!"

Friday, September 25, 2015

25 September 2015

On the way home from the bus stop, Madelyn tripped and scraped up her knees. I tried to make her feel better about it as we walked home:

Me: Did you hear what I did last night?
Madelyn: No.
Me: I tripped and fell while I was out running last night.
Madelyn: Really? Wow!
Me: Yeah, see everybody falls at some point, even mommies.
Madelyn: Yeah, but you shouldn't do that.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

24 September 2015

After I synced Madelyn's KidFit to my phone (think Fit Bit for kids) after school today:

Me: You've traveled 15.5 miles today!
Madelyn: Oh my gosh! I've outdone myself!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

23 September 2015

The girls got their flu shots today. As we were leaving the doctor's office, they were both really crazy and hyper.

Me: What was in those flu shots? Sugar?
Madelyn, as if she was stating a well known fact: Flu shot!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

22 September 2015

We had gnocchi for dinner tonight. Madelyn announced, "We're having Pinocchios.... I wanted to call them that!"

Monday, September 21, 2015

21 September 2015

Tony stayed home today, so all three of us went to the bus stop when it was time to meet Madelyn. Madelyn got off the bus and ran to me to hug me as she always does, barely seeming to notice her daddy. Then, she stood back and asked, "Wait. What are you ALL doing here?"

Sunday, September 20, 2015

20 September 2015

When Tony packed Madelyn's lunch for Friday, he included a question for her in the note he left in her lunchbox. He just remembered to ask her about it today.

Tony: Was there a question in the note I left you on Friday?
Madelyn: I don't remember. 
Tony: Try to remember.
Madelyn, after thinking: You asked what color eyes the kids around me had.
Tony: Yep. Do you remember?
Madelyn: The only one who told me was [girl]. She said her eyes were blue.
Me: You didn't look and see what anyone else's eyes were?
Madelyn, confused: No.....
Me: You can just look at someone and see what color their eyes are.
Madelyn: Ohhhhh.....

Saturday, September 19, 2015

19 September 2015

On the way home from soccer, we drove past our church.

Madelyn: There's the little church! And the big church! Why are there two churches?
Me: The little church is the original church. It got too small, so they build the big church. Now, the little church is so old that is special and no one can take it down or they get in trouble.
Madelyn: I am not breaking that church!

Friday, September 18, 2015

18 September 2015

While trying to figure out what to have for dinner tonight:

Madelyn: I want to go out for dinner.
Me: We just went out last night. (for her school fundraiser at Silver Diner)
Madelyn: I want to go out for something not so special.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

17 September 2015

While we were eating dinner at Silver Diner, Madelyn noticed the emergency exit door and said, "That door is the emergency exit. You can't just go out it any old time."

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

16 September 2015


While eating a "cheesy egg" for breakfast this morning made with American cheese, Madelyn declared, "The cheese on the eggs is so American and cheesy! Yum!"


During dinner, we were talking about the race bibs for the Healthy Kids Running Series. Madelyn had asked what numbers the parents get for the parents' race at the end of the series (none), and that got us talking about that race.

Madelyn, pointing to me: You're probably going to finish first in the girls.
Me: Probably not. There are other mom's faster than me.
Madelyn, pointing to Tony: You are probably not going to finish first.

Way to be blunt about it, girl.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

15 September 2015

Madelyn has a crazy imagination. Alyson and she were playing while I was fixing dinner. Their Disney princesses were planning a ball and a wedding. Two of the princesses were going to marry each other. Before that, Madelyn had been pretending that they were sisters.

Me: I thought you said they were sisters. They can't get married if they are sisters.
Madelyn: No, they're just good friends. After they get married they'll decide if they want to be sisters or not.

Um.... okay.....

Monday, September 14, 2015

14 September 2015

During breakfast this morning of fruit and a pumpkin muffin, Madelyn declared that it was the "most awesomest best breakfast ever."

Sunday, September 13, 2015

13 September 2015


During lunch, Madelyn explained to us what they named their Elsa and Anna Itty Bitty dolls: "The little ones are Elsia and Annia, not Elsa and Anna."


While driving to Wheaton Regional Park, we were following the beginning of the course for the Parks Half Marathon that morning. As we were driving by, I was talking about some of the silly things the pacer I was running with at that point said during the race.
Madelyn: What's a pacer?
Me: It's someone who is supposed to run the race at a steady pace to finish in a certain amount of time.
Madelyn: I want to be a pacer!
Me: You need to run and practice a lot more first.
Madelyn: Well, I'm going to be a pacer when I'm fifteen!
Me: If you keep running, you might be able to do that for shorter races.
Madelyn: I'm going to practice a lot!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

12 September 2015

Madelyn was a little excited about soccer this morning, which was unfortunately cancelled due to rain. Right around 7:30am, she came into our room.

Madelyn: My clock said morning!
Me, half awake and just seeing that she's wearing a purple shirt: Okay. Go potty.
Madelyn: I already went potty!
Me: Oh, okay. I didn't hear you. Well, go get dressed.
Madelyn, laughing at me: I'm already dressed! See?
Me, looking at her completely: Oh, yeah, you are.
Madelyn: Did you think I wasn't dressed yet?
Me: All I saw was a purple shirt, which is the same color as your pajama shirt.
Madelyn: Oh, Mommy!

Friday, September 11, 2015

11 September 2015

I'm not ready for the drama, and Madelyn is only in kindergarten! When I asked Madelyn what she did at recess today, she told me, "I didn't chase [boy from preschool] today. I helped [girl in her class] with her nonsense boyfriend."

Thursday, September 10, 2015

10 September 2015

Our random and circuitous conversation before dinner tonight went from places Tony has visited to places Madelyn wants to visit to Tony and I marching through NYC in the Macy's Parade. Madelyn decided, "If I was in a marching band, I would march in a parade around the earth."

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

09 September 2015

Me: I need you two to start thinking about what you want to be for Halloween.
Madelyn: Why?
Tony: Do you want to have a costume for Halloween?
Madelyn: Yeah....
Me: Well, then we need to have time to buy it or make it, so I need you two to decide what you want to be.
Madelyn: Oh, okay. I want to be Elsa!
Me: Really?
Madelyn: Yeah! Elsa!


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

08 September 2015

For dinner tonight, we had my honey-soy salmon creation that Madelyn really likes, rice, and broccoli.

Madelyn to Alyson: Aly, try your chicken.
Me: It's salmon.
Madelyn: Oh yeah!

And later:

Madelyn to Alyson: Try eating your shrimp with the rice. It's really good!
Tony: It's salmon. What do you have against the salmon?
Madelyn: I don't know!

Monday, September 7, 2015

07 September 2015

What I dealt with at Target:

"Can I get Frozen panties, too?"
"Come here at look at this!"
"Can we look in the toy section?"
"But I don't want to buy any toys, I just want to look!"
"Do we need more vitamins?" (After pulling three bottles off the shelf.)
"Can I ride on the cart?"
"Do we need any party supplies?"
"Can I get more school supplies?"

Following this trip, we determined that my favorite word is "No" and I'm a mean mommy.

06 September 2015

While coloring waiting for dinner, Madelyn declared, "I love coloring. It's an artist thing."

05 September 2015

While eating lunch at the Green Turtle, the Maryland football game was on the TV at our booth.
Madelyn: Are we the white team?
Me: No. Look at the helmets.
Madelyn, noticing the Maryland flag helmets: Oh, yeah, we're definitely the red team.

04 September 2015

In the car on the way to Delaware, Madelyn was telling us all about the variety of languages kids speak at home. She informed us that she speaks "one sprinkle of Chinese, two sprinkles of Spanish, and 100 sprinkles of English."

Thursday, September 3, 2015

03 September 2015

A boy in Madelyn's preschool class goes to her school, but is in a different Kindergarten class. They still see each other and play together at recess. Before bed tonight, Madelyn was talking about him.

Madelyn: When we are older can me and [boy] get married?
Me: If you both agree to it when you are old enough, of course you can get married.
Madelyn: Can we get married when we are like 10?
Me, trying not to laugh: No. You need to wait until you are at least 18.
Madelyn: So that we have time to get to know each other.

This kid is going to give us lots of gray hairs....

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

02 September 2015

During dinner, Madelyn was telling us the names of some of the students in her class. She tried to pronounce a girl's name, but couldn't do it. She explained to us, "Sometimes it takes lots of practice to get your mouth to move like it's supposed to to say something." True.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

01 September 2015

Lately, Madelyn has taken to speaking random words in Spanish. Her accent is not very good.

Madelyn: Bor pabor. (Supposed to be "por favor")
Me: You need to work on your accent and pronunciation.
Madelyn: I speak Spanish differently from other people.

Monday, August 31, 2015

31 August 2015

Before bed, Madelyn and I were talking again about her day. I think her day wore her out because she asked me, "Will tomorrow be as long as today was?"


Madelyn is planning to buy lunch at school on Wednesday. Her grandma was asking her how buying lunch works.
Mom: Did you see how buying lunch works?
Madelyn: Not really.
Mom: Maybe you should watch the kids tomorrow so that you know what to do on Wednesday.
Madelyn, very matter-of-factly: Why? I can just watch the kids in front of me in line.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

30 August 2015

Madelyn is so used to running in the Healthy Kids Running Series​, where the bottom of the race bib is torn off to track the order runners finish, that she confusedly asked as after her fun run today, "But, why didn't they tear this off?"

Saturday, August 29, 2015

29 August 2015

My kid has a crazy imagination. While Madelyn was playing by herself, she told me, "The little children start out as elephants and then as they grow up to adults, they turn into unicorns."

Friday, August 28, 2015

28 August 2015

The girls were saying good night, and Alyson was laying on Madelyn's bed. Madelyn was kneeling over Alyson and about to plop down on her to give her kisses.

Madelyn: Prepare to be banquet! What does that mean anyway?
Me: I think you mean "Prepare to be vanquished".
Tony: You're going to eat your sister?!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

27 August 2015

As we were driving back to Mom's to get Alyson after kindergarten orientation, we passed a football team practicing.

Me: Hey, look, there's a school's football team over there practicing.
Madelyn: I want to play football! Wait. How do you play football?

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

26 August 2015

Madelyn in the kitchen: I need a cup! There are no cups in the bathroom!
Me, back in the pantry: I'll be right there.
Madelyn: No, I have everything all under control!

I walked into the kitchen and see her with a stool getting cups from the cabinet.

Madelyn, smiling at me: See? All under control.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

25 August 2015

Tony in the kitchen, calling to Alyson in the living room: Hey, Aly, can you come here?
Alyson, running in: What?
Tony: Can I have a hug?
Alyson ran into Tony's arms for a hug, and Tony picked her up.
Madelyn, running in and grabbing Tony's legs for a hug: I am crashing this cuddle!

Monday, August 24, 2015

24 August 2015

At Mom's today, Madelyn cut up a piece of paper into small squares and started coloring each one.
Mom: What are you doing with those?
Madelyn: Grandma, I'm going to tape each one and make a planet. You will believe it when you see it!

23 August 2015

While playing with her toys in the car while I got gas, Madelyn decided that "Spooky (her ghost) is allergic to pollen but only daisy pollen." That's highly specific.

22 August 2015

In the car on the back from Rehoboth, I was telling Tony about a woman I saw with a tattoo on her calf.
Madelyn: Where's your calf?
Me: It's the muscle on the back of the lower part of your leg.
Madelyn: Here?
Tony, reaching back to tickle Madelyn: Right here.
Madelyn started laughing: My calf has a noise breaker inside!
Me: A noise breaker?
Madelyn: Yeah, a noise breaker. It makes noise when I'm tickled like this [she fake laughed].

21 August 2015

Often when Madelyn has a bagel at Grandma's she has cream cheese and jelly on it. Today for breakfast, Madelyn said, "I only want cream cheese because that's healthier."

Thursday, August 20, 2015

20 August 2015

While trying to figure out what to do today with Grandma:

Madelyn: Grandma, what do you want to do right now?
Mom: I don't know. What do you want to do?
Madelyn: Whatever you want to do.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

19 August 2015

We had BLTs tonight for dinner. I put a very thin coat of mayo on Madelyn's sandwich. When she sat down at the table, she started taking her sandwich apart and immediately saw the mayo.

Madelyn: What is this?!
Me: It's mayonnaise.
Madelyn: I don't like mayonnaise.
Me: Actually, you do when it's a really small amount.
Madelyn: Why isn't it butter?

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

18 August 2015


Tony and Madelyn are reading "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" by J.K. Rowling before bed. Tonight they got to a critical part. (Spoiler alert.)

Tony, reading:
     "The Heir of Slytherin," said Professor McGonagall, who was very white, "left another message. Right underneath the first one. 'Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever.'"
     Professor Flitwick burst into tears.
     "Who is it?" said Madam Hooch, who had sunk, weak0kneed, into a chair. "Which student?"
     "Ginny Weasley," said Professor McGonagall.

Madelyn, in shock: What?!?!?!?!?!


As Tony was leaving her room so Madelyn could go to bed, she kept asking questions about Harry Potter.

Madelyn: Why did Harry want to go save Ginny?
Tony: Because that's what Harry does because Harry is brave.

Madelyn: Ron.... Not so much....

Monday, August 17, 2015

17 August 2015

While playing before dinner, Madelyn and Alyson were playing school. Madelyn was the teacher and she was talking to her class (Alyson) about an "old student, Madelyn".

Madelyn to her "class": Raise your hand if you like playing with the old student, Madelyn.
Alyson ignored her.
Madelyn, more insistently: Raise your hand if you like playing with the old student, Madelyn.
Alyson still ignored her.
Madelyn, frustrated: Okay, class, raise your hand or foot if you liked playing with the old student, Madelyn.

I would have liked to have seen what Alyson was doing.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

16 August 2015


At the National Aquarium today, we saw their new exhibit where you can touch skates, horseshoe crabs, and moon jelly fish. Madelyn was really afraid to touch the jellies because she didn't want to get stung. After I reassured her that humans can't feel the stings of moon jelly fish, she was willing to touch, but every time she did, she jumped back and was shaking. When other people around asked if they sting, Madelyn piped up and repeated me word for word, "They sting but humans can't feel it!"


At least she has goals. I don't know the context, but Madelyn told Tony, "I want to stay alive until I am old enough to die."

Saturday, August 15, 2015

15 August 2015

When Alyson got up from her nap, I told Madelyn to come upstairs and get in her bathing suit. The girls didn't know that we were surprising them by taking them to play in the fountain in the center of Rockville. Alyson heard me downstairs and was yelling that she wanted to get in her bathing suit, too. I took her out of the the crib, and she guessed that we were taking them to a "swimming park" and started doing her "swimming park" dance of excitement. The dance was her jumping up and down while moving her arms up and down in front of her body.

Madelyn: Why is that your swimming dance?
Alyson: Because me swimming!
Madelyn: Swimming standing? No, this is swimming.

Madelyn got down on the floor on her stomach and started moving her arms and legs like she was swimming. Alyson got down next to her and copied every move.

Friday, August 14, 2015

14 August 2015

While in the car with Tony:

Song lyrics: Let's all go to Uncle Geek's house where we all get pie at 3:14.
Madelyn: Are they all getting pie or are they all getting high?
Tony: They are getting pie because the number pi is 3.14159, so they're getting it at 3-1-4 or 3:14. It's a math joke.

(Song: "Uncle Geek's House" by The Doubleclicks.)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

13 August 2015

After Alyson got told to get her shoes off of the couch at Mom and Dad's, Madelyn realized that she had her foot up on the chair to put her sandals on. She looked at me somewhat defensively as she said, "I'm just putting my heel on the cushion to strap on my sandal. I'm not going it for any particular reason to get in trouble!"

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

12 August 2015

Looking down at her plate for dinner:

Madelyn: Why are they called "mashed potatoes"?
Me: Why do you think they are called "mashed potatoes"?
Madelyn: Because they are potatoes that have been mashed. [She ate a bite.] Mmmm.... I like mashed potatoes better than regular potatoes!

No, this was not the first time the girl has had mashed potatoes.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

11 August 2015

Over the weekend, Madelyn decided that she wants to take a soccer rec class this fall. There is a tennis class at the same time that she was also thinking about. I told her that she had until registration opens to really decide. This morning:

Me: I think registration is Thursday, but I need to double check that. It might be next week.
Madelyn: I hope it's next week!
Me: Why?
Madelyn: Because then I have longer to decide between tennis and soccer!

Monday, August 10, 2015

10 August 2015

After we got home today, Madelyn started trying on some of her clothes so that we could figure out what, if anything, she needs before school starts. Today, we were working on her closet. After taking a skirt off a hanger with clips, Madelyn was looking at and admiring the hanger:

Madelyn: It's cool that it has snips!
Me: What did you call them?
Madelyn: Snips.
Me: I think you mean clips.
Madelyn: Oh, they're called "clips"?

Sunday, August 9, 2015

09 August 2015

As we were leaving Starbucks this morning, Madelyn heard a cricket chirping in a bush.

Madelyn: Why is a cricket chirping?
Me: Because crickets like to be noisy.
Madelyn, spinning around: Just like me!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

08 August 2015

Recently, Madelyn picked up the annoying habit of making a gulping sound while swallowing her food. After the gazillionth time she did it during dinner:

Me: Stop it. That's annoying and you might choke.
Madelyn: That was just me trying to push down my milk.

Friday, August 7, 2015

07 August 2015

This morning, when Madelyn noticed my eye make-up:

Madelyn: Are you wearing gold eye paint?
Me: No, it's pinkish-brown eye shadow.
Madelyn: Oooohhhh....eye shadow.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

06 August 2015

We went to Target today to start some back-to-school shopping. While there, Madelyn excitedly told everyone she saw in the Back To School section, "I'm going to start kindergarten in the fall!"

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

05 August 2015

I don't remember what started this, but while eating dinner at Mom and Dad's tonight for Dad's birthday:

Madelyn, pointing to herself: Piglet. [pointing to Alyson] Piglet. [pointing to Tony] Pig. [pointing to me] Pig. [pointing to Mom] Pig. [pointing to Dad] Pig. 
Tony: Hey, Madelyn. [pointing to Madelyn and Alyson] Piglets. [pointing to himself and Dad] Hogs. [pointing to Mom and me] Sows.
Madelyn: What are hogs and sogs?

(Note: I wasn't sure that Tony was right about hogs being male pigs, so I looked it up. According to one website I found, he wasn't really wrong, but more correctly boars are male pigs, sows are female pigs who have had a liter of piglets, gilts are female pigs who have not had piglets, and there were other names for different castrated male pigs. Go figure.)

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

04 August 2015

Madelyn has been coloring parts of a beach scene with Grandma and putting it up as decoration in the hall at their house. Today, she added a daddy, mommy, and little girl, but they couldn't find a good toddler girl to color and add. Madelyn wasn't worried. She decided, "That's okay. We can just pretend that Alyson is still in Mommy's tummy."

Monday, August 3, 2015

03 August 2015

Alyson was being picky about dinner and not eating too much at one point. Madelyn was bugging her about it.

Madelyn: Miss Guinea Pig, are you going to eat more?
Tony: Why are you calling her a Guinea Pig?
Madelyn: Because she eats a lot, and she's a little piggy, and she's... Guinea... What's a Guinea Pig anyway?

Sunday, August 2, 2015

02 August 2015

This afternoon we visited "Auntie" Julie​ for her housewarming party. Julie's parents, Donna​ and Wayne​, were great with the girls. Donna had a wonderful conversation with Madelyn that went something like this:

Donna: Madelyn, what is your favorite fruit?
Madelyn: I like all the fruits!
Donna: Okay, tell me your two favorite fruits.
Madelyn, thinking: My two favorite summer fruits are cherries and peaches.
Donna: Oh, I love peaches! We go to the farmer's market and get fresh peaches right from the orchard. Do you go to the farmer's market around here?
Madelyn: My grandma and grandma go to an orchard and get peaches.
Me: Hey, Madelyn, I think they went this week, so they might have peaches now.
Donna: Ooh! Do you think they want company? Maybe we could go visit them.
Madelyn: You don't know where they live!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

01 August 2015

When Madelyn and I say goodnight, she's allowed to jump on her bed a few times with me right there. That's the only time she's allowed to do it. While at the beach this past week, we didn't let her jump on the bed (not our bed and we couldn't trust that it was strong enough). The look of pure joy on her face this evening when she realized she was on her own bed was adorable. After she finished jumping, she jumped into my arms for a hug.

Me: You missed being able to do that, didn't you?
Madelyn: YEAH!

Friday, July 31, 2015

31 July 2015


Tony to Madelyn and Alyson: Are you two excited to see Grandma and Grandpa again on Monday?
Me: They've missed you.
Madelyn: Why have they missed us?
Me: Grandma said it's been too quiet since you haven't been there.
Madelyn: Instead we've been here making lots and lots of noise!


We went for one last walk on the beach this evening to hunt for seashells before packing up to head home (and Alyson literally tried to take the beach home as she put handfuls of sand in her bucket). Before we left the beach, the girls wanted to put their feet in the water one last time.

Me: Say "Bye, bye, beach."
Madelyn: Bye, bye, beach.
Alyson: Bye, bye, beach.
Madelyn: See you next year.
Alyson: See you next year.
Madelyn: We'll miss you.
Alyson: We'll miss you. Good night, beach.

(The whole time, a few elderly people were watching them and smiling.)