Monday, July 31, 2017

31 July 2017

We were watching a performer who was riding a unicycle and juggling. First he was juggling clubs, and then he was juggling clubs that were on fire. Madelyn said to us, "I'm surprised he has a lot of talent."

Sunday, July 30, 2017

30 July 2017

While we were getting ready to go to the beach this morning, Alyson picked up the spray sunscreen from the table and looked at me questioningly. 

Me: That's Daddy's.
Alyson: Why?
Me: Because he's hairy and it's hard to get sunscreen to his skin.

Madelyn: He's Harry Potter!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

29 July 2017

With every single mini-golf course we passed when we got to North Myrtle Beach today, Madelyn asked, "Can we go to that golf course?" Specifically when we passed the pirate one, Madelyn asked, "Can we go to that one? I want to see if I'm still afraid of it."

Friday, July 28, 2017

28 July 2017

I saw today a running on Facebook post her idea for her own funeral. She has so many race medals that she wants her funeral to be a race, and everyone who runs the race gets to pick one of her medals when they finish. Madelyn was in the room when I saw this

Madelyn: You should do that for your funeral!
Me: It is an awesome idea.
Madelyn, excitedly: I would definitely run the race and pick a medal!

Um, thanks, I think?

Thursday, July 27, 2017

27 July 2017

Before bed, Madelyn and I were laying on her bed chatting like we do every night. She was laying perpendicular to me with her head on my stomach.

Madelyn: You're the nicest mommy ever!
Me: Thanks, but why is that?
Madelyn: Because you let us lay on you and climb on you and play with you.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

25 July 2017

While Alyson and I were in the garden, we found a really cool looking spider. Later on, I sent a text with a picture of the spider to my mom. She hated it and told me to keep the spider at our house. Madelyn saw the text conversation.

Madelyn: I'm going to find all of the spiders in our yard and put them in a big box and take them over to Grandma!
Me: Um, no, spiders are good. Leave them in our yard.
Madelyn: I'll bring them back. I love spiders!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

23 July 2017

Madelyn saw on my Facebook that we're doing Shark Week themed challenges this week in the Ravenclaw House of Hogwarts Running Club. Ravenclaw's mascot is the eagle. The post about it the challenges had a log of "Finding Nemo" animated gifs. Madelyn started singing, "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep eagling."

Saturday, July 22, 2017

22 July 2017

Sometimes you just have to let them learn for themselves.

We tried making it to the play fountain in the center of our city before thunderstorms rolled in today. The storms were moving faster than any of the weather apps we looked at were predicting. We thought we had about an hour, but then the storms hit as we were driving there. So, instead, we went to the library for a bit. After it stopped raining for a bit and we left the library:

Madelyn: Can we go in the fountain now?
Me: It's about 20 degrees colder than before. You're going to get cold.
Madelyn: It isn't cold to me!

We let them go into the fountain for a bit. There were other kids playing as well. Then, we noticed Madelyn was shivering.

Tony: Are you cold?
Madelyn, with a stubborn look on her face: Yes, but I'm going to keep playing!

Friday, July 21, 2017

21 July 2017

I told the girls earlier today that we were planning a fun surprise tomorrow if they are good. Madelyn was not very happy that we weren't telling them what the surprise is. At random times, she would say to me, "Tell me what the surprise is!" or "Why won't you tell us the surprise?" She was not happy that I was having fun not telling her.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

20 July 2017

Someone was a little hungry for dinner today.

Me: Daddy's leaving in 10-15 minutes, so it's a little early to fix dinner.
Madelyn: So, we're going to eat dinner before he gets home!
Me: Are you hungry or something?
Madelyn: Yeah!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

19 July 2017

Madelyn was showing us her latest Lego creation and telling us all about it. As she was telling us, "The reason this has two of these is to keep it stable," part of it came crashing to the floor. It wasn't the part she was talking about, and it was only two pieces, but the timing was impeccable. 

Monday, July 17, 2017

17 July 2017

Alyson was in the back room getting something from the LEGO stash. Madelyn went back there, snuck up on Alyson, and yelled, "BOO!" Alyson screamed, and Madelyn laughed and came back into the kitchen. I beckoned for Madelyn to come over to where I was and had my hand up for a high five. She thought it was awesome that I was approving of her scaring her little sister, and said to me, "Let's not tell Aly we did that."

Sunday, July 16, 2017

16 July 2017

Before bed, Madelyn randomly told me, "All kids must be silly. I've never met a kid that wasn't silly."

Saturday, July 15, 2017

15 July 2017

Today, the girls played outside with the water table for a good chunk of the day. After they were outside for about an hour or so:

Madelyn: Playing in the water table is so much fun!
Alyson: It's actually kind of boring.
Madelyn: Yeah, it's boring if you're been playing with it all day....

Friday, July 14, 2017

14 July 2017

Today was Madelyn's last day of her week of basketball camp. When I picked her up, she quickly ran out to me.

Madelyn: Can I do basketball camp again next week?
Me: Um, no.
Madelyn: Well, then, can I do basketball camp next year?

Thursday, July 13, 2017

13 July 2017

I downloaded a game on my phone for Madelyn without her knowing. I called her to me and was letting her play with the game to show it to her. Lately, I haven't really been letting her use my phone. While she was playing, she declared, "This is awesome! You're actually letting me touch your phone!"

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

12 July 2017

Madelyn was driving me crazy this afternoon. It isn't her fault. She's tired from basketball camp. So that I didn't yell at her, I texted Tony to complain. Later, I forgot about it, and Madelyn saw the text.

Madelyn: Why did you say that to Daddy?
Me: Whatever you were doing at that time was annoying me. So, instead of yelling at you since it's because you were tired, I complained to Daddy. You would rather me do that than yell at you, right?
Madelyn, after thinking about it slightly: Well, yeah....

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

11 July 2017

Alyson wanted a popsicle after dinner. She has wanted one for days. I was trying to get her to elaborate and describe what she wanted.

Me: What popsicle do you want?
Alyson: The kind with sticks!
Me, laughing along with everyone else: All popsicles have sticks.
Madelyn: Someone write that down!

Monday, July 10, 2017

10 July 2017

Must make sure to carefully phrase the question next time. Madelyn is at a girls basketball camp this week, and today was the first day.

Me: How many girls were there today?
Madelyn: It was all girls.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

09 July 2017

Tonight, Madelyn's dinner plate was literally overflowing. She looked down and then at me and said very earnestly, "I think I might start to need a bigger plate maybe."

Friday, July 7, 2017

07 July 2017

We were at my aunt's today for a surprise party. While we were waiting for her to come home, my cousin kept looking through the peep hole in the door.

Madelyn: Wait, there's a little hole to look through and see out the door?
Me: Yeah, it's called a "peep hole".

Madelyn, knowingly being silly and trying not to laugh: I want to look through the people!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

05 July 2017

On our drive home today, we were listening to the "Hamilton" soundtrack. Madelyn suddenly asked, Was the Revolutionary War after Jesus was born?"

04 July 2017

Before dinner, Madelyn went into the kitchen. She saw the raw hamburgers on the counter and said her grandma, "These hamburgers look good! Why do they have dimples in the middle?"

03 July 2017

We needed to go to a store in Bethany Beach today. When we were leaving the area, Madelyn saw a sign for the "Bethany Beach Museum" and exclaimed, "I want to go to the Bethany Beach Museum!" without having any idea what was in the museum, only that it's a museum.

02 July 2017

While on the Paratrooper at Funland today:
Madelyn: Funland is the best amusement park I've ever been to.
Me: It's pretty much the only amusement park you've ever been to.
Madelyn: You do have a point there.

01 July 2017

This afternoon we were working on teaching Madelyn to ride her bike. A couple of times I let go, and she rode maybe 10 feet on her own before veering off the path slightly.
Me, after the second time I let go: Did you even realize I had let go?
Madelyn: Yeah, I was thinking, "I'm alone. STAY CALM!"