Wednesday, September 30, 2015

30 September 2015

Madelyn had a very eventful recess today, or at least it seemed that way to her. While we were walking home from the bus, she excitedly told me, "It was raining at recess today. It started sprinkling and [girl] and I were trying to decide if we should tell the recess teacher so that she could blow the whistle and we could go inside and then when we finally decided to tell her, she blew the whistle before we got there. It's good that we went inside because we do NOT want to get all wet at recess."

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

29 September 2015

While talking about the rain today:

Madelyn: When we left to go to the bus, it was raining just outside the front door.
Me: Only outside the front door? Not anywhere else?
Madelyn: It might have been raining out the back door by the gym, too.

Monday, September 28, 2015

28 September 2015

Tony and I were talking a bit about Boehner and his recent comments about the Tea Party, but we were keeping it vague. Madelyn was pretty confused and thought it was "weird." Admittedly, instead of trying to explain it to her, we told her that I didn't make sense because she didn't know everything going on, and we weren't going to explain it to her right then. Her response was, "It makes weird sense if you're a five-year-old!"

Sunday, September 27, 2015

27 September 2015

When I got back to the pew from Communion during Mass today, Madelyn asked me, "When will I be old enough to get that circle wafer bread thingy?" 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

26 September 2015

Earlier in the day, Tony and Madelyn went to the Sports Authority in the same shopping center as the Giant we go to to buy her some soccer gear. While there, they saw that there was a grand opening party at the new bank in the shopping center. This afternoon, we went to that Giant after a birthday party. When we were walking into the grocery store, Madelyn informed us, "There's a party going on at the bank near our Giant, and I am not going to dance with a mascot because I am afraid of mascots for NO REASON!"

Friday, September 25, 2015

25 September 2015

On the way home from the bus stop, Madelyn tripped and scraped up her knees. I tried to make her feel better about it as we walked home:

Me: Did you hear what I did last night?
Madelyn: No.
Me: I tripped and fell while I was out running last night.
Madelyn: Really? Wow!
Me: Yeah, see everybody falls at some point, even mommies.
Madelyn: Yeah, but you shouldn't do that.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

24 September 2015

After I synced Madelyn's KidFit to my phone (think Fit Bit for kids) after school today:

Me: You've traveled 15.5 miles today!
Madelyn: Oh my gosh! I've outdone myself!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

23 September 2015

The girls got their flu shots today. As we were leaving the doctor's office, they were both really crazy and hyper.

Me: What was in those flu shots? Sugar?
Madelyn, as if she was stating a well known fact: Flu shot!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

22 September 2015

We had gnocchi for dinner tonight. Madelyn announced, "We're having Pinocchios.... I wanted to call them that!"

Monday, September 21, 2015

21 September 2015

Tony stayed home today, so all three of us went to the bus stop when it was time to meet Madelyn. Madelyn got off the bus and ran to me to hug me as she always does, barely seeming to notice her daddy. Then, she stood back and asked, "Wait. What are you ALL doing here?"

Sunday, September 20, 2015

20 September 2015

When Tony packed Madelyn's lunch for Friday, he included a question for her in the note he left in her lunchbox. He just remembered to ask her about it today.

Tony: Was there a question in the note I left you on Friday?
Madelyn: I don't remember. 
Tony: Try to remember.
Madelyn, after thinking: You asked what color eyes the kids around me had.
Tony: Yep. Do you remember?
Madelyn: The only one who told me was [girl]. She said her eyes were blue.
Me: You didn't look and see what anyone else's eyes were?
Madelyn, confused: No.....
Me: You can just look at someone and see what color their eyes are.
Madelyn: Ohhhhh.....

Saturday, September 19, 2015

19 September 2015

On the way home from soccer, we drove past our church.

Madelyn: There's the little church! And the big church! Why are there two churches?
Me: The little church is the original church. It got too small, so they build the big church. Now, the little church is so old that is special and no one can take it down or they get in trouble.
Madelyn: I am not breaking that church!

Friday, September 18, 2015

18 September 2015

While trying to figure out what to have for dinner tonight:

Madelyn: I want to go out for dinner.
Me: We just went out last night. (for her school fundraiser at Silver Diner)
Madelyn: I want to go out for something not so special.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

17 September 2015

While we were eating dinner at Silver Diner, Madelyn noticed the emergency exit door and said, "That door is the emergency exit. You can't just go out it any old time."

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

16 September 2015


While eating a "cheesy egg" for breakfast this morning made with American cheese, Madelyn declared, "The cheese on the eggs is so American and cheesy! Yum!"


During dinner, we were talking about the race bibs for the Healthy Kids Running Series. Madelyn had asked what numbers the parents get for the parents' race at the end of the series (none), and that got us talking about that race.

Madelyn, pointing to me: You're probably going to finish first in the girls.
Me: Probably not. There are other mom's faster than me.
Madelyn, pointing to Tony: You are probably not going to finish first.

Way to be blunt about it, girl.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

15 September 2015

Madelyn has a crazy imagination. Alyson and she were playing while I was fixing dinner. Their Disney princesses were planning a ball and a wedding. Two of the princesses were going to marry each other. Before that, Madelyn had been pretending that they were sisters.

Me: I thought you said they were sisters. They can't get married if they are sisters.
Madelyn: No, they're just good friends. After they get married they'll decide if they want to be sisters or not.

Um.... okay.....

Monday, September 14, 2015

14 September 2015

During breakfast this morning of fruit and a pumpkin muffin, Madelyn declared that it was the "most awesomest best breakfast ever."

Sunday, September 13, 2015

13 September 2015


During lunch, Madelyn explained to us what they named their Elsa and Anna Itty Bitty dolls: "The little ones are Elsia and Annia, not Elsa and Anna."


While driving to Wheaton Regional Park, we were following the beginning of the course for the Parks Half Marathon that morning. As we were driving by, I was talking about some of the silly things the pacer I was running with at that point said during the race.
Madelyn: What's a pacer?
Me: It's someone who is supposed to run the race at a steady pace to finish in a certain amount of time.
Madelyn: I want to be a pacer!
Me: You need to run and practice a lot more first.
Madelyn: Well, I'm going to be a pacer when I'm fifteen!
Me: If you keep running, you might be able to do that for shorter races.
Madelyn: I'm going to practice a lot!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

12 September 2015

Madelyn was a little excited about soccer this morning, which was unfortunately cancelled due to rain. Right around 7:30am, she came into our room.

Madelyn: My clock said morning!
Me, half awake and just seeing that she's wearing a purple shirt: Okay. Go potty.
Madelyn: I already went potty!
Me: Oh, okay. I didn't hear you. Well, go get dressed.
Madelyn, laughing at me: I'm already dressed! See?
Me, looking at her completely: Oh, yeah, you are.
Madelyn: Did you think I wasn't dressed yet?
Me: All I saw was a purple shirt, which is the same color as your pajama shirt.
Madelyn: Oh, Mommy!

Friday, September 11, 2015

11 September 2015

I'm not ready for the drama, and Madelyn is only in kindergarten! When I asked Madelyn what she did at recess today, she told me, "I didn't chase [boy from preschool] today. I helped [girl in her class] with her nonsense boyfriend."

Thursday, September 10, 2015

10 September 2015

Our random and circuitous conversation before dinner tonight went from places Tony has visited to places Madelyn wants to visit to Tony and I marching through NYC in the Macy's Parade. Madelyn decided, "If I was in a marching band, I would march in a parade around the earth."

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

09 September 2015

Me: I need you two to start thinking about what you want to be for Halloween.
Madelyn: Why?
Tony: Do you want to have a costume for Halloween?
Madelyn: Yeah....
Me: Well, then we need to have time to buy it or make it, so I need you two to decide what you want to be.
Madelyn: Oh, okay. I want to be Elsa!
Me: Really?
Madelyn: Yeah! Elsa!


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

08 September 2015

For dinner tonight, we had my honey-soy salmon creation that Madelyn really likes, rice, and broccoli.

Madelyn to Alyson: Aly, try your chicken.
Me: It's salmon.
Madelyn: Oh yeah!

And later:

Madelyn to Alyson: Try eating your shrimp with the rice. It's really good!
Tony: It's salmon. What do you have against the salmon?
Madelyn: I don't know!

Monday, September 7, 2015

07 September 2015

What I dealt with at Target:

"Can I get Frozen panties, too?"
"Come here at look at this!"
"Can we look in the toy section?"
"But I don't want to buy any toys, I just want to look!"
"Do we need more vitamins?" (After pulling three bottles off the shelf.)
"Can I ride on the cart?"
"Do we need any party supplies?"
"Can I get more school supplies?"

Following this trip, we determined that my favorite word is "No" and I'm a mean mommy.

06 September 2015

While coloring waiting for dinner, Madelyn declared, "I love coloring. It's an artist thing."

05 September 2015

While eating lunch at the Green Turtle, the Maryland football game was on the TV at our booth.
Madelyn: Are we the white team?
Me: No. Look at the helmets.
Madelyn, noticing the Maryland flag helmets: Oh, yeah, we're definitely the red team.

04 September 2015

In the car on the way to Delaware, Madelyn was telling us all about the variety of languages kids speak at home. She informed us that she speaks "one sprinkle of Chinese, two sprinkles of Spanish, and 100 sprinkles of English."

Thursday, September 3, 2015

03 September 2015

A boy in Madelyn's preschool class goes to her school, but is in a different Kindergarten class. They still see each other and play together at recess. Before bed tonight, Madelyn was talking about him.

Madelyn: When we are older can me and [boy] get married?
Me: If you both agree to it when you are old enough, of course you can get married.
Madelyn: Can we get married when we are like 10?
Me, trying not to laugh: No. You need to wait until you are at least 18.
Madelyn: So that we have time to get to know each other.

This kid is going to give us lots of gray hairs....

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

02 September 2015

During dinner, Madelyn was telling us the names of some of the students in her class. She tried to pronounce a girl's name, but couldn't do it. She explained to us, "Sometimes it takes lots of practice to get your mouth to move like it's supposed to to say something." True.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

01 September 2015

Lately, Madelyn has taken to speaking random words in Spanish. Her accent is not very good.

Madelyn: Bor pabor. (Supposed to be "por favor")
Me: You need to work on your accent and pronunciation.
Madelyn: I speak Spanish differently from other people.