Thursday, June 30, 2016

30 June 2016

Today at Grandma's Madelyn's Barbie got married. She then had a baby. Alyson has been playing with a Skipper doll (Barbie's teenage sister). Before bed, Madelyn told me, "Tomorrow, Alyson's Barbie is going to get married. She's old enough for that, but she isn't going to have a baby. Grandma says that teenagers are too young." I hope that thought sticks with her for a while!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

29 June 2016

Yesterday, it was hot and humid, but Madelyn wanted to play outside when we got home. Today, the weather was beautiful - not very humid and cooler than yesterday.

Me: Let's go outside!
Madelyn: I don't want to!
Me: But it's beautiful outside. You two can play while I weed.
Madelyn: It's too hot to go outside!

Kid, I think you are confused.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

28 June 2016

On the way home, both girls were complaining about how hot it was in the car. Granted it was about a gazillion percent humidity and in the upper 80s. Surprisingly, as we got out of the car, Madelyn asked, "Can we play outside before piano?" Then, when we walked in the house, the air conditioning was blowing, but Madelyn left the door wide open.

Me: Shut the door. The AC is on.
Madelyn: Why? It's nice out!

Monday, June 27, 2016

27 June 2016

My back and shoulder have been a little sore today. Before bed, while Madelyn and I were laying on her bed talking, Madelyn was playfully drumming on my legs.

Me, rolling onto my stomach: Here, drum on my back instead.
Madelyn: Why???
Me: It hurts a little, so you'll be massaging it.
Madelyn, getting excited and into it: Okay!
Me: Are you enjoying this because I'm letting you hit me?
Madelyn: Yup!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

26 June 2016

Right before bed:

Madelyn: Can we play Mario Kart?
Me: No, it's bed time.

Madelyn: Well, okay then. I'll just play at Grandma's tomorrow.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

25 June 2016

After seeing lots of cats today at different animal shelters (No, we are not adopting. We were dropping off donations.), Madelyn was going on and on about cats. While on a walk after dinner, she informed us, "When I grow up and have my own house I'm going to have lots of cats! And, I'm going to make their own room with lots of toys. They'll have nice fluffy place to play and scratch all they want!" So, our kid has aspirations to grow up and be a crazy cat lady.

Friday, June 24, 2016

24 June 2016

Oh, the things they remember.

Me: Do you guys want to go to Uncle Julio's for dinner?
Madelyn: Where?
Me: The place with the quesadillas. We ate on the patio.... Overlooking the lake.... With the carousel....
Madelyn, the blank look disappearing and suddenly lighting up: Oh, yeah!!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

23 June 2016

After Madelyn mentioned that there is going to be a Spongebob musical. She has never watched Spongebob and hopefully never will.

Madelyn: Spongebob is a hunk of cheese that lives in a pineapple in the ocean.
Me: He isn't cheese.
Madelyn: Then what is he?
Me: A sponge. SPONGEbob.

Madelyn: Ohhhhh!! SPONGEbob.

22 June 2016

Madelyn has been reading some old Babysitters Club books. This morning while she was reading:

Madelyn, reading: ...autocasset... What is that word?
Me: Audiocassette. Do you know what that is?
Madelyn: No....
Me: It's sort of like a CD that plays music. It's old from before CDs.
Madelyn: What's a CD?

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

21 June 2016

Multiple times this morning before going to Mom and Dad's, the conversation went something like this:

Madelyn: Aly, are you excited to start summer preschool?
Alyson: Yeah!
Madelyn: Great! I'll be your teacher and when we get to Grandma's I'm going to make a ladder chart. I wonder if Grandma has paper and clothes pins.

Monday, June 20, 2016

20 June 2016

When I got to Mom and Dad's to pick up the girls today:

Madelyn: Guess what we did today [during our last day of school]!
Me: I don't know. What did you do?
Madelyn: We played and played.
Me: You "played and played and played until it was time to go home"?
Madelyn, smiling: Yeah....

Me: You used to say that all the time when we asked what you did in preschool.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

19 June 2016

When we were finishing up dinner, Madelyn randomly said, "Mommy, I think that Grandma is really good at yelling at Grandpa because she does it all the time!" No idea what prompted that...

Saturday, June 18, 2016

18 June 2016

While we were eating our frozen yogurt at Sweet Frog today, Madelyn looked out the window, saw a convertible, and said, "Hey, look! It's a kimono!"

Friday, June 17, 2016

17 June 2016

While we were playing Mario Kart this evening, in one part of a track Madelyn kept crashing and falling off the course and otherwise not steering very well.

Tony: What are you doing?!?!
Madelyn: I have no idea!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

16 June 2016

On the way home from the bus stop:

Me: Only two more days of school! Well, really only one and a half.
Madelyn: No! Two and a half!
Me: No, you have a full day tomorrow and a half day on Monday. Well, really isn't more than a half day, but it is an early dismissal day.
Madelyn: Well, then why is it called a half day?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

15 June 2016

Madelyn did a really sweet thing for Alyson today that Alyson loved. Madelyn made her a "Learning Book" with the ABCs and some other things in it. Madelyn was explaining it to me and told me, "I'll make one for Aly every year. She can learn what she needs to from it all the way until college!"

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

14 June 2016

During dinner Alyson asked what the upcoming days are. That prompted some steam of conscious thinking from Madelyn: "Why is it called Whensday? I think it's because people are going to ask when is this day going to end because it's the longest day of the week."

Monday, June 13, 2016

13 June 2016

Alyson was finished brushing her teeth, and Tony was trying to get her to leave the bathroom and come into her room. Alyson had been being a troublemaker the entire time while getting ready for bed. Madelyn was putting some of her dirty clothes in our room.

Tony, to Alyson: Come on, little terror.
Madelyn, parroting: Come on, little tailor! Wait, what does that mean?

Sunday, June 12, 2016

12 June 2016


While were were waiting outside of the restroom today, Madelyn and Alyson were standing against the wall pretending to blend in.

Madelyn: Tomorrow, I want to wear plain peach.
Me: You won't be near those bricks tomorrow.
Madelyn: But I just want to blend in.
Me: So you want to look like you aren't wearing any clothes?
Madelyn: Yes.


While waiting to go on the Paratrooper ride at Rehoboth with Tony and Alyson, Madelyn exclaimed, "It goes backwards! This is gonna be FUN!"

Saturday, June 11, 2016

11 June 2016

We were explaining to the girls are plans for the afternoon.

Me: After lunch, we're going to drop Daddy off at Road Runner so that he can get shoes. Then, we're going to go get gas and then go to Giant. Daddy will either walk to Giant to meet us when he's done, or we'll come pick him up, or [teasing] we'll just make him walk home.
Tony: Or, I'll just walk to Giant and get the car and drive home. You guys can walk home.
Me: We can't do that! We'll have all of the groceries.
Madelyn: If you steal the car, we'll have to steal a grocery cart to get the groceries home.

Friday, June 10, 2016

10 June 2016

Before bed today, I noticed an eczema flare up on the back of Madelyn's knee that she had been scratching so that it was getting raw. When she finally was able to see it:

Madelyn: Ooh, so that's why it was hurting.
Me: If it was hurting, why didn't you tell me?
Madelyn, shrugging her shoulders: I dunno.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

09 June 2016

Someone came to our door while we were eating dinner trying to get us to let him inspect our roof for hail storm damage.

Madelyn, confused: What's a hail storm?
Tony: Remember that storm when we were all upstairs in the hall to stay away from the windows?

Madelyn: Oh yeah! Why is he coming around about that now?

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

08 June 2016

The girls and I planted the last of the veggie seeds in the garden today. Madelyn's job was to evenly distribute the green bean seeds in the rows.

Madelyn: I really want to eat one of the beans!
Me: The seeds are hard and won't taste good.
Madelyn: I know, but I love green beans and I want to eat one anyway!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

07 June 2016

We planted flowers this afternoon while waiting for Madelyn's piano teacher to show up. Madelyn was really excited to do it.

Me, after putting one of the plants in the hole I had dug: Okay, do you want to help push the dirt back in?
Madelyn: No! I don't want to get my hands dirty!

Monday, June 6, 2016

06 June 2016

We went on a walk around the block after dinner. On our street, there are a number of trees with long hanging, but very flexible branches. Madelyn lined herself up perfectly and ran straight at the branches so that the leaves hit her in the face. She then turned around and told Tony, "I wanted to run so that the branches hit me in the face!"

Sunday, June 5, 2016

05 June 2016

We went to visit a City park this afternoon that is a historic cemetery hidden behind some houses. To get to the park, you have to go through a small path and up some stone steps between two houses. As we were approaching the steps, I noticed a Halloween style tombstone at the fence of one of the yards. Madelyn was a little ahead of us and stopped in her tracks.

Me: Why'd you stop?

Madelyn just wordlessly pointed to something ahead of her. We looked up and saw a styrofoam skull wearing pirate garb on a stake in the yard.
Tony: What? It's just a fake skull.
Madelyn: But it's scary!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

04 June 2016

Pot meet kettle?

While Tony was reading part of "The Land of Stories: The Enchantress Returns" by Chris Colfer to Madelyn for her bedtime story tonight, they got to a part in the story where Alex hears Connor and Red yelling.

Madelyn: Why did Alex hear Connor and Red yelling and not the others who were yelling?
Tony: Alex and Connor are twins, so she knows his voice really well. Red is the loudest person in this story.

Madelyn: Yeah, and she never stops talking!
Tony, referring to Madelyn: Like somebody else I know.

Friday, June 3, 2016

03 June 2016

We had pancakes for dinner tonight. Madelyn and I both like peanut butter on our pancakes. That prompted Madelyn to state, "Honey and peanut butter would make a good sandwich. They're both sticky so they would stick together!" Obviously a good sandwich is about how well it holds together and not how it tastes. (Peanut butter and honey is delicious, by the way.)

Thursday, June 2, 2016

02 June 2016

While we were walking to tball practice, Madelyn and I were talking about the most random things. Suddenly, the conversation turned to her favorite animal.

Madelyn: My favorite animal is a wolf.
Me, surprised because this didn't match previous favorites: For now. What happens if I ask you in another day?
Madelyn: I don't know. It might be. It might not be.

01 June 2016

When Madelyn got off the bus, she immediately rushed to tell me, "Guess what! We don't have any homework for June because there's only two weeks! I'll have so much free time!" 

Please note that she only has 10-15 minutes of homework a day, if that.