Thursday, December 31, 2015

31 December 2015

Randomly when we were finishing up dinner, Madelyn asked us, "How old are you guys? Thirteen?"

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

30 December 2015

When the Terps game was over, Madelyn exclaimed, "They're stuck at 64!"

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

29 December 2015

On the way to Nana and Poppop's after we turned onto their street off of the main road, Madelyn exclaimed, "Okay, we're almost there! I just know it! They have this road!"

Monday, December 28, 2015

28 December 2015

Tony was showing Madelyn where North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania are relative to each other using a map that shows the states and their capitals. Previously, we had pointed out to her where Indianapolis is because her best friend is moving there today/tomorrow.

Tony, pointing to the map: Annapolis is the capital of Maryland.
Madelyn: Annapolis is also in Indiana.

(If you know the NCAA Tournament commercial where they go to "In the Annapolis" to try to watch the tournament instead of Indianapolis, this is hilarious.)

Sunday, December 27, 2015

27 December 2015

While in the car, Madelyn and Alyson were talking about Alyson's giant rubber duck she got from Santa when Madelyn informed us, "Next Christmas I want the biggest purple rubber ducky ever!"

Saturday, December 26, 2015

26 December 2015

A few days ago, I told Madelyn the surprise plan to redo Alyson's bedroom when they spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house Sunday into Monday. Grandpa has been sick, so it doesn't seem like spending the night is going to happen, Madelyn has been very concerned about this.

Alyson: When am I going to Grandma's again?
Me: You're spending the night tomorrow if Grandpa is feeling okay.
Madelyn: But what about...
Me, cutting her off: If you can't spend the night, we'll figure it out.
Madelyn: But then you....
Me, cutting her off again: It will be okay.
Madelyn: But....
I just glared at her.

Friday, December 25, 2015

25 December 2015

While trying to guess what our Christmas dinner dessert was going to be:

Tony: I'll give you a hint. It's both a pie and a cake.
Madelyn: Ice cream!
Tony: Um, no.

(It was cheesecake.)

Thursday, December 24, 2015

24 December 2015

On the way to Christmas Eve Mass tonight:

Alyson to Madelyn: You're my best friend.
Madelyn: You're.... my sister.

Feel the love.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

23 December 2015

Madelyn asked us if she was ever going back to the private school she went to for preschool. The school goes up to 8th grade and some of her friends from preschool continued on there for school. In our discussion, we talked about how our public schools here are good and are a better fit for our family. We also mentioned that private schools cost a lot of money, and if she went to private school, we would have to give up on all of the activities she does and other treats we enjoy.

Me, teasing: Daddy would have to give up his Starbucks.
Madelyn: I don't want to give up Starbucks! I love their drinks and treats. I was about to cry when I heard that!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

22 December 2015

While the girls were playing Hungry, Hungry Hippos (their new favorite):

Alyson: My hippo has a tummy ache.
Madelyn: Well, one more bite won't hurt. Now, open the mouth!

Monday, December 21, 2015

21 December 2015

After dinner tonight we were playing Hungry, Hungry Hippos. It was the first time we were playing it after Madelyn got it from Alyson for her birthday. Madelyn didn't understand why Tony​ and I kept laughing at her:

Madelyn, referring to the marbles and her hippo: Is anyone stuck in my body?

Madelyn, after she dropped a marble (again) and it rolled across the floor (again): Marbles are round so it's hard!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

20 December 2015

After Madelyn went to bed tonight, she was goofing off and not going to sleep. (Damn 20 minute nap when she fell asleep in the car on the way home!) I look on the monitor and see her looking like she was either trying to do a somersault on her bed or bury her head in her pillows. 

Me to her over the monitor: What are ARE you doing?
Madelyn startled and suddenly laying down: I don't know....
Me: Go to sleep! You have school tomorrow.
Madelyn: Okay.....

Saturday, December 19, 2015

19 December 2015

Tony was complaining that the Charity Miles app on his phone kept crashing on start-up. Madelyn asked, "Why does it keep crashing down?"

Friday, December 18, 2015

18 December 2015

The girls and I were wrapping Tony's Christmas gift from them today. While we were wrapping it:

Madelyn: Does Daddy even know how to play this game?
Me: No, but that doesn't matter. I'm not even sure he knows this game exists.
Madelyn: Then how is he going to know what to do?
Me: The directions come with it.
Madelyn: Ooohhh.....

Thursday, December 17, 2015

17 December 2015

Santa came through the neighborhood across the street and our neighborhood tonight on a firetruck. In order to get the girls to bed a little earlier, we all got in the car and drove to the other neighborhood to find him. We ended up in a part of the neighborhood that Tony and I aren't very familiar with, so he pulled up a map on his phone to figure out the best way to get home. Madelyn saw the map and asked, "Why are you tracking Santa?"

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

16 December 2015

While at the dentist this morning, the dentist and hygienist couldn't believe how much she had grown in the last six months.

Hygienist: You've gotten so big!
Madelyn: Well, I DID just turn six!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

15 December 2015

Tony was supposed to work late tonight, so the girls and I were planning to wrap his Christmas present after dinner. Tony ended up coming home earlier than expected.

Me: Daddy just texted and he's on his way home.
Madelyn: But what if he sees his present?!
Me, confused because the present wasn't even out: We'll wrap it another time.
Madelyn: Good because we don't want to ruin the surprise!

Monday, December 14, 2015

14 December 2015

While the girls were playing this morning:

Alyson to Madelyn: Roar! Monster!
Madelyn: Aly, can we please stop dealing with monsters on Mondays?

Sunday, December 13, 2015

13 December 2015

Madelyn came up to me holding one of the elves that hide overnight.

Madelyn: Can I hide the elves and reindeer?
Tony: If you hide them, you can't look for them tomorrow.
Madelyn: Why not?
Me: Because you'll know where they are.
Madelyn: But what if I forget?!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

12 December 2015

While the girls were at Uncle Matt​ and Aunt Gina​'s making cookies this afternoon, Madelyn bit into a chocolate chip cookie and realized that one of her front top teeth is loose (both actually are) because it hurt.

Matt: It's a magic cookie!
Madelyn: No, it's just a really hard cookie.

Friday, December 11, 2015

11 December 2015

I was talking to Madelyn about wrapping Christmas gifts, and she was very concerned about Alyson seeing what she is getting from Madelyn while she wraps the gift.

Me: We'll just have Daddy keep Aly busy so that you can wrap your present to her.
Madelyn: That's a good idea!
Me: And, Daddy will do something with you so that Aly can wrap her present for you.
Madelyn: I'm old enough! I can just stay away myself!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

10 December 2015

The Ravenclaw House of the Hogwarts Running Club is doing a Christmas card exchange. I signed up with the girls being the recipients so that they got their own Christmas card this year. A red  envelope with an owl drawn on the back came today for the girls. After Madelyn opened it and I read it to them:

Me: This card is from someone in the Ravenclaw House of the Hogwarts Running Club. I signed up to have a card sent especially for you two.
Madelyn, excited: Oooh! That's why there's an owl on the back. I get it!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

09 December 2015

I took cupcakes to school for Madelyn's birthday and stayed for lunch and recess. I had been a little confused about whatever game Madelyn had been playing with her friends. It was a typical kids' game that comes from wonderfully wild imaginations. After school she told me, "We play games were one person comes up with an idea and the other two people vote on it. If we like it, we play it." How incredible diplomatic for kindergarten.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

08 December 2015

Dinner tonight was another new recipe: Cheeseburger Hand Pies. The recipe calls for mustard in it, but the girls don't like mustard. Instead, I did ketchup on theres, but did mustard in one small corner so they could try it. While Madelyn was eating, but had only eaten one corner of the four:

Madelyn: This is really good! I don't even taste the mustard!
Me: You may not have even eaten the corner with the mustard yet. I don't remember which corner it's in.
Madelyn, disappointed: Oh....

Monday, December 7, 2015

07 December 2015

We tried a new recipe tonight for dinner: Honey Mustard Chicken. When the girls asked what we were having for dinner, I only told them it was Honey Chicken because I didn't want them to decide they wouldn't like it before we even had it. During dinner, after Madelyn tried it and loved it:

Me: I have a confession to make. It's not just honey chicken, it's honey mustard chicken.
Madelyn: What?! I can't even taste the mustard! I actually like it!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

06 December 2015

A discussion with Madelyn about parenting after I was teasing her about not letting her do something fun:

Me: My job is to keep you safe and teach you stuff.
Madelyn: Yeah, and to make sure we can have some fun!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

05 December 2015

Madelyn and I went for a run together this afternoon. It was four minutes of running and one minute of walking repeated for a total of 30 minutes. During our last running interval:

Madelyn: I think I need to walk....
Me: You only have a minute left. You can keep going!
Madelyn: Okay....
Me, when we finished: See, you did it!
Madelyn: Yeah! Next time, I want to run for five minutes!

Friday, December 4, 2015

04 December 2015

After finishing her dinner, Madelyn picked out a piece of candy for dessert. Alyson was trying to decide what piece of candy she wanted.

Me, to Alyson: You have time for a lollipop if you want.
Madelyn, excited: Really?! I want a lollipop!

She threw the piece of candy she had picked out back into her bucket and started rummaging for a lollipop.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

03 December 2015

Madelyn and I were talking about the Pin the Head on the Lego Man game I made for her party.

Me: So you like it?
Madelyn: Yeah! I can't believe you made that.
Me: It took me a little longer than I planned.
Madelyn: At least you didn't have to draw the head and body.
Me: I did draw it and then painted it.
Madelyn: I thought you printed it from the computer.
Me: I printed a smaller one and used that to copy for my drawing.
Madelyn: How did you learn to draw like that?!?!?!?!

(A bit of a note, this really impressed Madelyn because right now she wants to be an artist or an art teacher.)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

02 December 2015

After the girls kissed each other good night, Madelyn started laughing and said, "We kissed like we were getting married!" Ummmm....

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

01 December 2015

Our Christmas lights went up outside over the weekend, but haven't been on. As soon as Tony came in today, Madelyn told him, "Daddy, you need to turn the lights on!"